Everything Must Change

Finished reading Everything Must Change today on the way into work.

Excellent. I think as several others have pointed out in our book club – Everything Must Change… but it must begin with ME.

“another world is possible, available now for all who believe.”

referring to those who would rise up against the common framing story we find ourselves currently surrounded by McLaren rights…

“they would seek to be the revolution they wished to see in the world… This kind of group would be the current expression of Jesus’ original band of disciples. It would be the church as Jesus intended. Groups like this wouldn’t need buildings, pipe organs, rock bands, layers of institutional structure, video projectors, parking lots, and so on… What they would need would be simple: a passion to understand Jesus and his message and a commitment to live out that understanding in a world in which everything must change.

I’m teaching from this book now over the next several weeks for our community group. I’m basically putting together some “curriculum” as we go – I’d love to share it and get input from others who have read the book (or are reading it) but haven’t decided yet what format to use. Should I simply post a PDF of what I have or would others be interested in adding to it, making notes etc and make this a community effort using a Wiki of some sort?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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