Christmas joys

Well, it’s Dec. 26 and now its time to focus on another Holiday. What to do for New Year’s and New Year’s Eve?
But before I move to far into the future, I thought I’d throw out a recap of our Christmas weekend. If you’re not interested in the recap – feel free to scroll to the moral of the story at the botttom of this post.
The holiday weekend started with a Feliz Navidad party at work.
Fajitas, chips, tacos and more were enjoyed by all.
We then went right back to work on our Sunday (Christmas Day) issue of the paper.
Despite the dateline, Sunday’s paper was written and went to press Friday night. Sorry if you were looking for the latest news. I guess that’s why we only run local stories and don’t spend much time or money on AP stories.
After leaving work around 5 p.m., I made the treck to my grandparents were we enjoyed food, fellowship and an odd twist on our normal White Elephant gift.
I’m not sure where or why the change came about, but despite the slack I gave my aunt for it, it was fun (if for nothing more than poking fun at my aunt for coming up with the changes.)
I came home with an AMC Theater gift card. I’ve gotten a number of gift cards this year, which I don’t mind, but I need to start spending them because they’re making my wallet that much thicker.
I drove back to the ‘Chie Saturday night and enjoyed a movie before going to bed.
Saturday was a great chance to sleep in before working to finish up a couple gifts.
Saturday evening we went to the Christmas Eve service at my parent’s church and then enjoyed a party at their house with the Lehmanns.
Lots of noise and fun with all the younger Lehmann girls (and boy). We had a good time and discovered that no matter how much money you spend on younger children, a whoopie cushion will be there favorite gift.
Sunday morning our family enjoyed opening gifts. The gifts seem to get fewer and fewer each year, but mean more and more.
We then enjoyed the Christmas Day service with the pastor telling the story of Joseph, Mary and Jesus, dressed as Joseph. It was a nice twist to the normal Christmas Day sermon.
We returned home to a Christmas Day dinner with grandparents and then I believe everyone passed out somewhere in the house for a good portion of the afternoon.
We wrapped the day up with a game of 10-9-8 and Rumicube before I returned home late Sunday night.
And I shared all of that to say that despite the heartache of losing Amy this year, it was wonderful to know that the Christmas spirit was still alive and well with our family and the Lehmann family.
As my mom said, “Without Christmas and Christ coming to earth, it takes away all our hope that Amy’s in a better place. It’s because of Christmas that we can celebrate Amy’s homegoing and not mourn our loss.”
And Christmas is always enjoyed more through the eyes of a child.
Even if its laughing as Wilson tries to blow out candles at the Christmas Eve candlelight service, or Amelia, Wilson and Hannah enjoying a whoopie cushion on their granddads lap, their innocence and joy is contagious.
So I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, Festivus, Hannukah and Kwanza and have a blessed new year.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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