Chet Edwards to challenge Cornyn

Right of Texas has heard word that Rep. Chet Edwards, D-Waco, is possibly planning to challenge Republican Sen. John Cornyn in 2008.
Edwards was the U.S. Rep for the Belton, Temple, Killeen area as well before the Republicans took their shot at redistricting in 2004.
Edwards is a nice guy and tries real hard to play the moderate card most of the time.
I’ve met him a couple times but our associate editor in Belton always said Edwards only came to Belton if it involved Fort Hood somehow. Otherwise he didn’t care about the city or area.
In other Cornyn news, Capital Annex is joining other progressive Democrat blogs and hoping to encourage Texas State Rep. Rick Noriega, D-Houston, to run for Cornyn’s seat.
Should be interesting to see who all the Democratic challenges end up being.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

2 thoughts on “Chet Edwards to challenge Cornyn”

  1. I think Edwards could give Cornyn a run for his money, but don’t know about him taking a state-wide race. I do think Cornyn is vulnerable, but I can’t think of a dem off the top of my head that could take him on and win.

    If Jim Dunnam (D-Waco, Texas State Legislature) ran, it’d be interesting. Don’t know if he could win though.

    I think Cornyn would be most vulnerable to a challenger from somebody like David Dewhurst, if Dewhurst decides he wants the Senate instead of the Governor’s Mansion.

  2. I think Edwards could give Cornyn a run for his money, but don’t know about him taking a state-wide race. I do think Cornyn is vulnerable, but I can’t think of a dem off the top of my head that could take him on and win.

    If Jim Dunnam (D-Waco, Texas State Legislature) ran, it’d be interesting. Don’t know if he could win though.

    I think Cornyn would be most vulnerable to a challenger from somebody like David Dewhurst, if Dewhurst decides he wants the Senate instead of the Governor’s Mansion.

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