Someones made a newsmap from Google’s newspage. Awesome.
Basically its a graphic representation of Google’s News Page.
Google scours the net constantly looking for news stories and then combines all their searches and runs the stories that are highly linked to on their news page. So rather than getting one newspaper or television station telling you “what’s important” you get a broad spectrum of media outlets telling you “what’s important.”
If 25 newspapers report on Peter Jennings then it is bumped above a story 2 newspapers reported about a plane crash in Alabama. The newsmap is like a pie chart, made of squares, giving larger boxes to stories with more links or “importance.”
“Newsmap is an application that visually reflects the constantly changing landscape of the Google News news aggregator. “
Category: Uncategorized
Kinky action figure
No, its not a sex toy. It’s the
Kinky Friedman Action Figure. The Texas Governor candidate is giving the dolls away to people who contribute $100 or more to his campaign. So far it’s help raise $49,555.
“It’s time to start the real action! As we prepare to battle the millions of bucks the parties are going to throw at us, we need a hero, and here he is: the ‘Kinky Friedman Talking Action Figure.’ He’s all we need to combat the dark forces! It looks like Kinky, it talks like Kinky, it IS Kinky – our hero! It has Kinky’s actual voice, spouting the mots and witticisms for which he is so known and loved. And, of course, he is adorable.”
Sick of the Texas Legislature Day
The Lone Star Iconoclast, the only paper in Texas to endorse Kerry president writes, “It is time for a job action. Texas teachers should declare, ‘I’m Sick Of The Texas Legislature’ Day on Sept. 12.
Call in sick.
Stay home.
No strike, no protest.”
I don’t agree with the entire editorial, but seriously, the house has wasted time debating cheerleaders dance moves and has brought a telecommunications bill to the table numerous times, that would give phone companies a statewide franchise and would steal money from cities and allow them to provide whatever service wherever they wanted and deny service wherever they wanted anywhere in the state.
Pete Sessions is trying to pass a country-wide bill in the U.S. House.
What if we all called in sick on the 12th?
I think someone might get a hint that we’re fed up.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
Oh – and a home on the range would be nice too.
Peter Jennings Aftermath
The NY Times has an interesting piece on the vacancy left by Jennings at ABC News.
If Charles Gibson is left in his place on Good Morning America, does that signify a shift in the network belief that the morning news program is their most valuable news program? Or is it a move to place a younger anchor in Jennings place who can have a long lustrious career like Jennings?
Random survey
Found this while researching something on the web – totally random – but so am I.
Ok, so I usually think stuff like this is annoying, but Hey, I was bored….
1. Pick a band and answer only using the band’s song titles: U2 (as if there is another band)
2. Are you male or female: Stories for Boys
3. Describe how you feel about yourself: Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of or Staring at the Sun
4. Your best piece of advice: Walk On
5. Describe your last relationship: Lady With the Spinning Head or Salome
6. Describe your current crush: Babyface or The Sweetest Thing or Hallelujah Here She Comes
7. Say something to someone you have a crush on: All I Want is You or I Will Follow
8. Say something to an ex: Exit or So Cruel
9. Say something to someone who you hurt severely: Is That All?
10. How do you feel right now: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For
Aight, your turn. Send me a link to the answers on your blog or in my comment section.