Is it that hard to find a church?

I’ve been trying to visit new churches in my area since I resigned as singles intern at IBC Temple.
And can I tell you, it’s almost impossible to find a church to visit come Saturday afternoon. I would imagine that only 10-percent of the local churches have a website. And several of those churches don’t post their service times on the website.
Of those who don’t have a website, I’ve called several churches that don’t even have their worship or service times on their answering machine. What kind of world do we plan to reach if people can’t find out what time they should visit our church unless its between the hours of 8-5 Mon – Fri?
Is this only a Temple/Belton dilemma or are others seeing it as well?

If I were the devil

If I were the devil
By Paul Harvey

I would gain control of the most powerful nation in the world;
I would delude their minds into thinking that they had come from man’s effort, instead of God’s blessings;
I would promote an attitude of loving things and using people, instead of the other way around;
I would dupe entire states into relying on gambling for their state revenue;
I would convince people that character is not an issue when it comes to leadership;
I would make it legal to take the life of unborn babies;
I would make it socially acceptable to take one’s own life, and invent machines to make it convenient;
I would cheapen human life as much as possible so that the life of animals are valued more than human beings;
I would take God out of the schools, where even the mention of His name was grounds for a lawsuit;
I would come up with drugs that sedate the mind and target the young, and I would get sports heroes to advertise them;
I would get control of the media, so that every night I could pollute the mind of every family member for my agenda;
I would attack the family, the backbone of any nation.
I would make divorce acceptable and easy, even fashionable. If the family crumbles, so does the nation;
I would compel people to express their most depraved fantasies on canvas and movie screens, and I would call it art;
I would convince the world that people are born homosexuals, and that their lifestyles should be accepted and marveled;
I would convince the people that right and wrong are determined by a few who call themselves authorities and refer to their agenda as politically correct;
I would persuade people that the church is irrelevant and out of date, and the Bible is for the naive;
I would dull the minds of Christians, and make them believe that prayer is not important, and that faithfulness and obedience are optional;
I guess I would leave things pretty much the way they are.

GPS Bible

Michael Robinson has an interesting comparison between a GPS device and the Bible. It makes a great illustration.

Instead of immediately turning the channel, I watched and listened to this animated salesperson, but I found myself listening spiritually. You see, I discovered that in many ways, a good GPS device is like the Holy Bible.


Oh and I’m spent. Just finished the 2005 Sports Guide. As you can see – great question on the front page, but do you think we tried to answer it – hardly.
There’s maybe 3 paragraphs of copy in the 12 page guide — and those are cutlines for pictures.
I think other than 3 or 4 ads, the entire tab was built between 10 a.m. and 11 p.m today (an hour late to press).
But that’s what happens when things get bumped up a week at the very last minute.
Oh well. What’s done is done – and I’m done.
I’ve been working on sticking to a 2000 calorie diet – but I think I’m about to go blow that all on a huge what-a-burger value meal. Don’t you get a midnight snack on every diet?
Ok – off to the races.