Kick procrastination’s ass: Run a dash

43 suggests a dash to rid yourself of procrastination.
Reminds me of games my mom used to try on us when we grew up.
“Ok. Everyone pick up 10 things in the living room and then we can take a break.” “Clean your room for 5 minutes straight and then we can take a break”

My favorite tonic for procrastination–which I have mentioned in passing previously–is what I call a dash, which is simply a short burst of focused activity during which you force yourself to do nothing but work on the procrastinated item for a very short period of time–perhaps as little as just one minute.

Looks like she was onto something after all.

11 Tips to surviving a day job with your creativity intact

If you’re like me, your passion is not your work. But also if you’re like me, you hope your job will get you closer to your passion.
43 shared a link on 11 Tips to surviving a day job with your creativity intact.
There are some really good/interesting ideas here. Be sure to take some time and read them. Let me know which ones you like, don’t like and are trying.

Brian Williams discusses New Orleans on Daily Show

NBC Anchor Brian Williams appeared on The Daily Show this week and reported some of what he saw in New Orleans.
He rode out the storm in the Superdome with the evacuees. I was glad to see he did his best not to point blame at any level, but you could tell he was frustrated by what he saw.

Off the Record

I just spent an hour or more talking with my dad about a number of things, including my lack of complacency and enjoyment in my job.
I just read this story from the NY Observer that made me really long for a job that makes an impact.
It’s about the New Orleans paper and the work the staff did to keep their paper running to keep people informed after Hurricane Katrina.