10 (additional) spiritual lessons from U2

As I mentioned last week, I’ve been reading “We Get to Carry Each Other – The Gospel According to U2.” A great read from Greg Garrett (who also wrote “Stories from the Edge – A Theology of Grief).

As a closing section in the book, Greg shares 10 spiritual lessons we can learn from U2.

I thought I’d share an additional 10 that I’ve learned along my journey as well. So here they are, in no particular order…
Continue reading 10 (additional) spiritual lessons from U2

@existentialpunk on the @sbpodcast

Back in January I shared an interview/chat I had with Adele Sackler (@existentialpunk) via Twitter. Well Thomas (@headphonaught) has one-upp’d me with a great chat he recorded for our podcast (@sbpodcast).

It was a great chat and we broke it up into two parts for your listening pleasure.

from the podcast:

this week we share the first part of Thomas’ conversation with Adele Sakler (aka existential punk). Adele grew up in a typical Protestant Christian family but in high school and college began to struggle with the issues between her faith and her attraction to other women. she’s now come to peace with the fact that she’s gay and a follower of The Way and she’s become a bold voice about her faith, her homosexuality as well as her Chronic Lyme Disease.

we realize that like many of our guests, you may not agree with Adele’s theology — she realizes that as well — but we invite you to take the time to listen to Adele’s story and hear her story for yourself. take the time to hear her story and view it and her as an entire package, not just shunning her for what you may not agree with. then we welcome your thoughts and comments. drop us an e-mail or phone call and let us know what you think.

So get on over to the something beautiful podcast, pour yourself a cup of coffee or Scottish Whiskey and listen in with your friends and family. It’s well worth it – imho.

Part 1
Part 2

how to: subscribe to my podcast

Still wondering what “podcasting” is all about? Not sure what we mean when we say “subscribe to our show?” No worries!

Aaron Aiken (@aaronaikenep 2.4) put together a great screencast showing everyone how to easily subscribe and listen to the something beautiful podcast.

Check out the video and then subscribe for yourself.

And if you’re needing a screencast done for your own website/application/etc. be sure to check in with Aaron. Tell him I sent ya!

Transforming Theology

Tripp Fuller, Tony Jones and a whole list of of other folks are taking off on a pretty interesting journey.

I’m playing catchup after a week off but as I’ve briefly gathered, there will be a conference in mid-March as well as several others throughout the year.

Briefly, “The mission of the Transforming Theology network is to tighten the bonds between theology and transformative action in the church and the world.”

Transforming Theology Mission ::

Our goal is an ambitious one: to create the intellectual framework for a progressive religious vision. By forming a broad alliance between the leading scholars and organizations in Christian religion today, we aim at nothing less than to “reclaim the progressive voice.” There are movements on the ground, active in various denominations and schools. Up to this point, however, what has been missing is a uniting intellectual and theoretical vision, comparable to what has emerged from the conservatives…

Beliefs orient communities; they create a sense of common cause; and frequently they motivate persons to sacrificial action. Motivating beliefs of this sort go by many names. They have been called ethical principles, rationales for action, ideologies, and worldviews. In the three Abrahamic traditions they are called “theologies”: beliefs about the world and the religious ultimate that suggest how one should live in the world. In order to guarantee that our project remains pluralistic and non-partisan, we will speak only of “theological models.” We claim that the loss of theological reflection represents a major crisis for the identity of religious communities and for their effectiveness as agents of social change, and we believe that concrete steps can be taken to reintroduce transformative reflection that leads to transformative action. We focus on Christianity, not because it is “truer” than other traditions, but because it is the tradition we know best and on which we can have the greatest influence. Thus our title: “Rekindling Theological Reflection: Transformative Thought for Progressive Action.”

The goal is not to talk about beliefs for belief’s sake. Yet religious beliefs will undeniably play a crucial role if progressive religion is again to impact the world on behalf of social change. The goal is not theory for theory’s sake. But some theoretical framing is required if progressive forces are to have the vision and the sustained commitment to move forward. In the past, progressive religion in America was able to move fluidly from theological models to transformative action, and from praxis in the world to new and richer theological models. We believe it is time to rekindle the organic interplay of religious thought and action. Renewing the justification for action will have general impact on local congregations, denominations, and a variety of progressive networks focusing on social change.

There’s a number of videos and blog posts over on the site and they’re also looking for your input.

In fact, Tripp and Tony are looking for your most pressing ‘God’ question to ask the gathered theologians in March. You can submit them via the comments section on the blog, email, youtube, etc.

And they’re even awarding the most active participants, including a travel stipend to be a special corespondent at a conference in September 09.

So, what is your most pressing ‘God question?’ Share it here and over at Transformingtheology.org.

Makes me proud


robgt2 :: @aaronaiken If I was you I’d create a ‘Where You Are Now’ online brand like the @sbpodcast one

I’m not sure what all Rob’s referring to as “our brand” but I’m glad others would consider it worthy of imitating. I hope it continues to be a great brand “people can follow as we follow Jesus” and share his story with others.

Thanks Rob. Your tweet made me proud.

Tall Skinny Kiwi visits something beautiful


Awesome guest this week on our podcast – in fact one of the first folks on our “Wish List” when we started the podcast – Tall Skinny Kiwi aka Andrew Jones.

I had a great chat with Andrew right before the New Year and we shared it this week for our listeners.

Andrew has been recognized by many as one of the top Christian/Church bloggers, but he describes himself as ::

Crepe Chef
Video Jockey
Jesus Follower
Badminton Player
Director of Boaz Project
Medium Format Photographer
Missional Cell Developer for CMS

And Andrew had this to say about the podcast ::

…the podcast, which is hosted and commented on by some really wonderful people with interesting accents, I talk about my training, early mission experience, fundamentalist background as a street evangelist, the side-benefits of Bible smuggling, tinkering around with the early emerging church in the 80’s and 90’s, and I fess up to my particular heresies.

He had some great stories and great ideas that I’ve been chewing on since we chatted.

Like, “want to start a church — keep the Christians out” and “the biblical example of church is the church moving out and initiating from their house and not our house” and “follow us as we follow Christ.”

I don’t want to steal his thunder but its GOOOOD. So take an hour or so and get to know Andrew a bit better and then let us know what you think.