The News from Lake Wobegon

If you’re a Prairie Home Companion like myself you’re probably saddened anytime you miss a show or the News from Lake Wobegon. But have no fear, the news update is now available on podcast.
Awesome. The only thing I’ve found better than listening to NPR is listening to the podcasts when it fits my schedule. Now anytime I have 15-20 minutes I can catch up on the town where “all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.”
Get the podcast here
Thanks to Lifehacker for the tip.

Beatboxing Flute

Beatboxing Flute

For your weekend – or Monday morning enjoyment. It’s the beatboxing flute, Greg Patillo player playing the Super Mario Brothers song. He’s got several others on YouTube as well, including the Inspector Gadget theme and Sesame Street theme.

Blog Maverick predicts the end of personal computers

Mark Cuban’s latest posts predicts that Google is set to dominate in the future (they’re already one of the top Tech stocks and best companies to work for) with the demise of the personal computer.

Remember the days of Pentium releases being a big event ? The excitement of a new line of Dell or Compaq or IBM computers ? It seems to ancient to think that the release of a new PC even mattered. Today its the release of a new XBox or PS3 that gets the attention and people waiting in line for stores to open. Even the release of Vista didnt generate much consumer excitement.
Gaming consoles are already serving as hosts for DVD , HD DVD and Blu Ray players, along with hard drive and USB support for video and pictures. Which leads to the question. Will gaming consoles replace PCs in the home, not just for gaming as they have done already, but also as the primary home device for all things graphical ?
Will people stop putting their pictures on their PCs and buy gaming consoles for this purpose instead ?
If the gaming consoles get real keyboards and better web browsers they will.
Which is exactly what could make the future of home computing very, very interesting and upset the MicroSoft and Applecart :), and give a huge edge to Google and maybe Yahoo and even Sony.

I already use a number of open source programs as well as most of the Google apps online, including Google Reader, Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Docs.
Why limit myself to using programs I need to just my laptop? With Google’s online software I can access my information from anywhere with an Internet connection.