May Election information

This comes from my good buddy in Belton, Prosper Walker:

Regarding May Election – “Don’t forget us old folks”
I am sending this email to everyone on my email address list who lives in Texas.
I want to be sure you are aware of a constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot at the May election.
It is an amendment to correct an error made by the lawmakers when they voted for a reduction in school property taxes in 2005. When the lawmakers voted for a one-third reduction school property taxes beginning in 2006 and to be completed this year, they forgot about the homestead exemption for senior citizens and people with disabilities. The state constitution caps school property taxes for homeowners 65 years and older and those who are disabled. However, they DID NOT get the same reduction when the property tax cut for schools was voted on two years ago.
So an amendment is on the May ballot to correct this error. The problem is that most voters who are younger than 65 or not disabled probably won’t even notice the amendment or care. PLEASE get out and vote for this amendment if not for yourself then for your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends. We would really appreciate your getting the word out to all your friends and families to vote for this amendment. The fear is that with a low voter turnout, the amendment could very well not pass.
So, please, please pass the word and VOTE for the constitutional amendment.
Early voting will take place will April 30 – May 5 from 7 am to 7 pm; May 6 from noon to 6 pm and May 7 – May 8 from 7 am to 7 pm. Election day is May 12 from 7 am to 7 pm. So there are plenty of options to stop by a polling place and vote.

Iraq and Al Qaeda

Last week a Pentagon report stated once and for all that there never was a substantive relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda.
The same day VP Dick Cheney was on Rush Limbaugh’s show and the VPOTUS stated again that there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda.
Do you think his staffers missed that memo?
Cheney’s been saying Iraq and Al Qaeda have been linked for years yet the Pentagon doesn’t seem to believe so.

Gov. Huckabee on YouTube

From the former governor’s office:

Last week, my team created a You Tube page as a way for me to engage voters nationwide on the issues using video.
I encourage you to view the issue based videos we have posted, by clicking here.
Over the last weeks and months, we have heard and seen many Republicans campaigning for President clarify previous statements or reverse what they had said only a few short years ago in order to make themselves more acceptable to their fellow Republicans. What a disappointment.
For a clear and principled stand on the issues, I encourage you to watch the following videos:

The Sanctity of Life:
Same-Sex Marriage:
Health Care:
Arts and Education:
Faith and Politics:
Taxes and Economy:
National Security and Foreign Policy:

After you have watched the videos you are interested in, I encourage you to forward the videos to your friends, family members and co-workers. You can do so by using the red “Share” button that appears after the video or by forwarding this email.
From time to time, we will add new videos from the campaign trail or my statements on particular issues. To keep a close eye on things, I encourage you to consider subscribing to my campaign’s You Tube page.
And if you have a blog or personal website I encourage you to link to our page using this link:

Thank you again for all you do.

Sincerely Yours,

Mike Huckabee
Mike Huckabee

Register to vote

Today is the last day to register to vote if you plan on voting in the May 12 election.
Here in Ellis County we have several elections taking place. The city of Waxahachie will have a city council election, the school board will have a board election and the county is looking at a $53.8 million bond issue for the construction of new facilities.
And don’t forget the statewide referendum for seniors.

Bully on the Bench

The Dallas Observer has an interesting article on Ellis County 40th District Judge Gene Knize.
It’s partially focused on a request for recusal of the judge by Dallas Attorney David Finn, the rest focuses on accusations of the judge being biased towards attorneys and accuses the WDL of being biased towards the judge as well.
I covered the recusal hearing while I was with the WDL.
Interesting case.
Read the story online.