Better be living it out…

listening to Matt Chandler at a church planting conference….

“If you’re gonna teach this (missional life) you better be living it out. Because eventually the people are going to look around and say – we haven’t seen any of your neighbors in the water”

– Matt Chandler from Resurgence Conference
Vision of a Church Planter

ouch! a slap in my face.

goes back to the ideas several of us have been talking about as far as what a leader/pastor/facilitator looks like for community groups and/or home churches.

what is a leader ::

a leader takes responsibility to create desire to know God more

how do they do it ::

live out the 6*
assumes the responsibility of others lives
assumes the responsibility of guiding others toward personal priesthood
creates an environment of:
– spaces of grace
– intentional relationships
– relevant truth

*the six (or what we do) ::

celebrating what God is doing (worship)
telling others outside what God is doing (evangelism)
connecting and accepting on another (fellowship)
intentionally guiding one another to Christ and towards personal priesthood (discipleship)
being sensitive to know and meet needs (serving)
living and being transparent and authentic

thoughts? ideas?

The Church is…

Here’s another great tidbit from Tall Skinny Kiwi & Phyllis Tickle (who by the way will be at The Great Emergence Conference in Dec.). The quote was featured in Tall Skinny Kiwi’s talk at GodBlogCon and comes from Tickle’s latest book The Great Emergence (need to get me a copy of that!)

…the Church, capital C — in not really a thing so much as it is a network in exactly the same way that the Internet or the World Wide Web, or for that matter gene regularity or metabolic networks are not “things” or “entities.”

I love that! It goes right along with the ideas/thoughts that I have running through my mind right now in preparation for “speaking” at encounter on Oct 12. We’ll see where it all leads me/us.

I’ve come to start a fire

Fire and Water
Originally uploaded by peasap.

“I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed! Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
Luke 12:49-53

Wait a second… what happened to the God of Peace and Love!? What’s he talking about here?

A voice from the past?

Read this this morning… seems pretty applicable for today ::

“Be generous. Give to the poor. Get yourselves a bank that can’t go bankrupt, a bank in heaven far from bankrobbers, safe from embezzlers, a bank you can bank on. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.”
Luke 12:33-34

quote for the evening

The authority and submission that Scripture envisions gives more authority to the church than does Rome, trusts more to the Holy Spirit than does Pentacostalism, has more respect for the individual than Humanism, makes moral standards more binding than Puritanism, and is more open to the giving situation than “The New Morality”
-John Howard Yoder
As quoted in Reimagining Church by Frank Viola