Free Chick-Fil-A

Annie with Miss Cow
Originally uploaded by dollye_plagge.

Dollye and fam (sister Annie pictured with the cow) were hardcore and camped out at the new Forney Chick-Fil-A to be one of the first 100 people in line to get free Chick-Fil-A for a year.
Awesome. Annie and Dollye were 98 & 99. Lucky.
I’m wondering though where Matt was. He is after all the biggest Chick-Fil-A fan I know.
I guess he figured he has enough connections that he can get free Chick-Fil-A without standing in line all night.

New Salvation Army Store opened

Thomas and Olly’s Salvation Army in Bellshill, Scotland has opened their new store.
Congrats on opening the new store. I love this quote from Olly on the purpose of the store:
“ will be great to raise more funds for the army, but this is not the main aim. Friendships hopefully will be built between the staff and the customers, and hopefully through time we may see some more new faces in our church, or in coming to Alpha, or house groups..ect….and see more people coming to know God as their personal Saviour. This would just be wonderful.”
Great place for a great purpose and a great cause.
Check out some pics from Olly.

Praise God for his grace, mercy and protection

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Received an update on Kathryn from Matt and her mom late last night…

I hope all of you’ve heard the miraculous way in which the Lord answered our prayers for Kathryn and the Buckner team. Ron and I have been away from our email most of the day and are just now able to send our tremendous thanks to you for your prayers. Please pass it on to others who were also praying.
Please continue to pray for the team, for one-on-one conversations with the kids, and for Kathryn’s arm and wrist that has been hurting since she arrived in Russia. Your prayers are part of the way in which GOD IS WORKING! Please keep it up.
For those who may not have heard, here’s a brief account of the results:
The government officials came out and had a great conversation with one of the Buckner staff members. The official apologized for everything and the caregiver was fired. The Buckner team had a really great day with the kids. Keep praying for this time for the team to present God’s love and salvation to these precious children. Please also keep praying for SVETLANA’s salvation, the caregiver who was fired.

“Come, thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above.
Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,
Mount of thy redeeming love.

O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for thy courts above!”

Wow. I can’t even read the lyrics of that hymn now without tearing up.
What great words of encouragement and grace and mercy.

Free slurpees?!

WOW oo00oo
Wouldn’t have known except for a DIY blog post.

Alright kids, it’s time to go get your favorite cool-tasty beverage from 7-Eleven. That’s right, Slurpees are FREE today. Why, you ask? Because it’s 7/11 of course! The Slurpees are small, at just 7.11 ounces, but whose complaining – it’s free, right? Start at the north end of town and hit every 7-Eleven within a 20 mile radius. But get down there quick, because the deal ends at 11pm (of course).

Re: Prayer for Kathryn’s team

Received a message from Kathryn’s mom tonight. Not much in the way of additional news but just encouragement to know that people are praying for the team.

I found the email list from Kathryn’s recent Uganda team trip and forwarded the request to them. I received a call from Jane Estrada (from the list) who said the whole team had been contacted, were praying, and were forwarding it on for their church to be praying.
We’ve been on the phone or on the computer most of the day contacting anyone and everyone to be praying. We know of at least 3 churches who have this on their prayer chains. We still don’t know what all is going on and/or what might happen when their day begins in about 3 hours from now (approximately 10 p.m. CST). One thing for sure, Kathryn and her team are being COVERED in prayer and the protection of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Ron (Kathryn’s dad) found this verse and I wanted to share it with you:

But let all who take refuge in YOU be glad; let them ever sing for joy.
Spread YOUR protection over them, that those who love YOUR name may rejoice in YOU.
For surely, O LORD, YOU bless the righteous;
YOU surround them with YOUR favor as with a shield.
Psalm 5:11-12

Hallelujah and Praise His Holy, Mighty, Awesome Name!
I’m sure I’ve missed some from the distribution list above. Therefore, if you think of anyone else to send this prayer request to… please do! Thank so much. We will let you know when a new update is received.