Do we transform our pain … or transmit it?

Brian McLaren shares some great thoughts from Fr. Richard Rohr ::

Is your religion helping you to transform your pain? If it does not, it is junk religion. We all have pain—it’s the human situation, we all carry it in a big black bag behind us and it gets heavier as we get older: by betrayals, rejections, disappointments, and wounds that are inflicted along the way.

If we do not find some way to transform our pain, I can tell you with 100% certitude we will transmit it to those around us. We will create tension, negativity, suspicion, and fear wherever we go…

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Reflections on the Church

I came across a couple interesting posts recently relating to the Church.

Curtis Honeycutt shares a great open-letter to those who have been burned and hurt by the church.

After reading his post, it reminded of a line from Shane Claiborne’s book and found some great thoughts from St. Augustine of Hippo and Tony Campolo as well.

“The Church is a whore, but she’s my mother”

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Idea Camp – recap video

Justin Snyder and Abandon Films have posted their Idea Camp video recap online.

Great stuff!

Some of the videos from the actual sessions are also starting to appear online. Be on the lookout for more at

Washing their feet

The story of Jesus washing the disciples feet doesn’t seem to fit into our modern western civilization.

We wear shoes or flip flops everywhere we go. And if our feet get dirty, there’s always a faucet nearby where we can wash them off and keep going.

But for some, that’s not always possible.

A mission team to Kenya found this out all to personally.
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Apprising Ministries plugs for something beautiful

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link love…

Apprising Ministries wrote a lengthy explanation this week on how and why we had Adele Sakler and Pete Rollins on our podcast last week.

They offered up a 1,100 word post to explain the background behind last week’s podcast and were generous enough to offer four links back to our website.

I’m not even sure Thomas could talk that long about our podcast! 🙂
Continue reading Apprising Ministries plugs for something beautiful