Just waiting for this boy to chew and swallow the last if the chicken in his mouth so he can have a cookie. He better hurry or his daddy’s gonna eat it for him. #dadlife
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Just waiting for this boy to chew and swallow the last if the chicken in his mouth so he can have a cookie. He better hurry or his daddy’s gonna eat it for him. #dadlife
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UPDATE: I thought this article offered an interesting perspective:
I learned to fear my parents – especially my father, to lie whenever possible to spare myself the possibility of being hurt/spanked again, to not trust my parents, and to hide my innermost thoughts, feelings, and struggles from my parents because I feared and did not trust them. I did not seek out their wisdom and teachings at the times I needed it the most because I did not trust them to understand and not hurt me. I have friends who sought out their parents’ guidance about nearly everything in their lives during their teen and young adult years. Those were my friends who were not spanked regularly or at all as children.
UPDATE: I got a text from my sister thinking this was a post written by me. It’s not.
The above paragraph is a quote from an article about spanking and different translations of “the rod” in Proverbs 13:24 and elsewhere. I offered the quote without any commentary because I’m still chewing on some of these ideas.
When you see a black bar with a chain link above a post on my site – it’s a link back to another article I’m sharing. You can click the title and it will take you to the linked post. Also, a green bar on the left (now with an orange box behind it) with an indention means the text next to the green bar is a quote. Also, a blue box with a quotation mark on the left signifies a quote.
Apparently the usability is not as usable as I thought. One of the first rules in usability is if you have to explain how to use it – it’s not user friendly. So maybe I’ll need to go back to the drawing board.
I don’t know how many of you watch pro-wrestling but there’s always a game the heels play with the ref. There’s a 10-count rule in wrestling that if you leave the ring and don’t return to the ring within a 10-count you can be disqualified. The heels always like to push the boundaries by sliding back into the ring at the last second just to reset the count before climbing back out again. Take a look at this picture and guess where the “line” was for my boys this afternoon…
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Just me and my baby girl for a few hours today. Gotta get a few things done for sure but hopefully we’ll get to have some more good daddy daughter time. #dadlife
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A beautiful visitor stopped by my home office today. No complaints from this daddy about a little snuggle time. #dadlife
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I just discovered a new fear tonight.
My boys (especially HDiddy) will often fall asleep right next to their bedroom door as they’re trying to look under the door to see what’s happening outside their room.
As I tried to open the door tonight, after he had fallen asleep there again, it wasn’t near as easy as it used to be.
He’s put on some weight and was dead asleep.
Suddenly it occurred to me – what if there was an emergency and I couldn’t get the door open?!
Better believe that door is coming down but oh dear – I have a new fear….