Baby stats

All is right with the world
All is right with the world | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

Well the boys are both home and are now a week and 2 days old.

We’ve had both of them home for a little more than 2 days and I thought I’d share some stats of what we’ve learned so far…

Diapers changed per day: 16+

Bottles prepared per day: 16

Ounces of formula consumed in a day: 32

Ounces of formula per “large bottle” from store: 32

Cost of said bottle: $8

Ounces of powdered formula per can: 13.1 oz

Ounces said powdered formula makes mixed: 85 oz

Cost of 6 pack of powdered formula: $92

Number of days said formula will last on current feedings: 16

Number of days said formula will likely end up lasting: 11-12

Number of outfits changes per day: 4-6

Number of burping rags per day: 4

Average hours of sleep per night (per parent): 6

Holding your two boys against your chest on a quiet Saturday morning: priceless

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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