Now how cool is this…
Blogger now offers mobile blogging.
I think its actually been around for a while, but I never actually researched it.
Now I can send pictures and text from my cell phone – from anywhere I have cellular service.
Look out – I can see my entries per day increasing as we speek.
I wonder if video works too… I’ll have to give that a try too.
Free advertisment:
Don’t have a blog yet — Get on board! It’s free and so much cooler than your friends Xanga.
Author: Jonathan Blundell
King Kong
King Kong is coming.
Is change really that bad?
It’s midnight in Belton and I have three stories I have to write sometime between now and 11:30 a.m. tomorrow.
That doesn’t seem like much. And it’s really not considering how short they will likely end up with our small paper this week. But I’m putting it off and putting it off because quite frankly I don’t want to do it.
My give a damn is busted and its been busted for six months now.
I keep thinking if I changed jobs or changed direction maybe it would help.
Joining the CWF was a big improvement (for me) in my opinion.
But what happens two years from now, will I still be gung-ho about traveling and introducing wrestlers?
I remember as a kid I would re-arrange my room almost every three months or so. That became a real hassle when I got a waterbed – so that slowed down the changes – but I still wanted change.
I never seem to be content with things. I’m always on the lookout for something better. I don’t know if there was a time I was ever really content with life. I’m sure there had to be a time, but when?
I can sit outside under the stars enjoying a cigar and a beer or a glass of wine and be totally content, but that only lasts for a short time. I know its no way to escape the reality of everything else going on. And a few hours of sitting around doing nothing only makes me want to get up and do something creative.
I think I’m totally content when I’m working a CWF show, but then there’s the traveling back and forth and the fact that the next day – or the day after – I’ll be right back in my office staring at my computer screen, trying to write about something I don’t care much about.
I’ve thought (and written) before that I might be perfectly happy running a bookstore or a restaurant or a pub of some sort. But I would imagine from past experience that at some point, that two would grow old.
I read a recent study that said that college graduates are alarmingly unhappy with their jobs and careers.
My friend and I discussed the stat and wondered if it was because they were settling on a job just to make ends meet, or if our generation is simply not content with life in general.
Read Relevant Magazine and you will find an entire generation of church goers (or former church goers) who are fed up with church as usual and think they have all the answers.
The media says my generation is fed up with the current government and administration – maybe they are. But is it because they all really disagree or they’re going with the status quo or maybe they’ll never actually be content.
I don’t know.
I know the times are changing -often not soon enough – I only wonder if a lack of contentment is a weakness or strength?
Indy Ringtones
Rythym at reports about a new service for indy bands to upload ringtones that listeners can then download straight to their cell phone.
So what is this wonderful thing I keep hyping up? Ring tones. That’s right, RING TONES, BABY. It is artist-driven downloadable ringtones that is geared towards fans. I just signed Rhythm up and you can already download their songs onto your phone (via For fans, you can download a song today and it will be your next cell phone bill. For Artists it does cost money to get it all set up, but they have given me a referral code ‘rhythm’ that will give you and
everyone you sign up an an instant $10 discount!! That is huge. So for less than $40 you get your stuff online and start making money today for each download.
I like this idea. I don’t know how big it will get – but I like it. Personally I just use my bluetooth adapter, record an mp3 of my favorite songs, edit them and then upload them to my phone using bluetooth (but that doesn’t work for technically challenged people.)
What if praise bands get on board?
With many phones now carrying enough memory and having the quality to work as MP3 players, what if sermons could be sent directly to cellphones of people in your congregation?
Using RSS, new Mp3 and podcasting technology I’m sure there’s an advertiser somewhere figuring out how to get you to subscribe to the Nike RSS or Pepsi RSS or Polka RSS where they will automatically send you an ad every day with special offers and the like.
How can we as a church jump on and use this?
You can subscribe to services that will send verses to your phone already.
What about a daily devotion from a pastor or and audio commercial for an upcoming prayer service?
This could get very exciting as technology advances and more and more people update their phones, and mp3 players and the like.
Translating season preview-speak has a fun article on their blog about pre-season press releases and sneak peaks.
This time of year pretty much every Division III team is optomistic. Or at least, that’s what they say publicly. If you read season previews in their unedited form, eventually you’ll begin to believe every team has 18 returning starters, is poised for a breakthrough, looking to build on last year’s success, returning to tradition, etc. It’s a wonder everyone doesn’t finish 7-3 or 8-2.
If you’re not reading you’re missing out on some of the funnest football in the country.
For Charis –
More wrestling news:
Baptist Press Sports has a story about an appearance by Sting at a Lifeway Christian Store.