Gotta love texas. Im just outside houston listening the smokey and the bandit theme
Author: Jonathan Blundell
Well im in college station on my way 2 crosby. Ill try 2 keep my blog updated on the trip
Message from Dad
1. Abraham was 99 years old before he received God’s promise of a legitimate heir.
2. Joseph was enslaved, imprisoned, and an outcast from his brothers for 13 years before God used him to fulfill his mission in his family’s life (as this devotional mentions.)
3. Moses spent 40 years in the back side of the desert before God could use him to lead the Israelites to the promised land.
4. Joshua, who was told how to continually be successful, watched Moses for most of 40 years while Joshua’s contemporaries died, before God used Joshua to lead Israel to overcome the inhabitants of their promised land.
5. Gideon “fleeced the Lord” twice before he was convinced God would use him to drive the Midianites out. God even gave him a special spy trip to get the inside scoop on the thinking of the Midianites on the the night of the attack, as I remember.
6. David (as recounted in this devotional) was hounded and harassed by Saul for years before God fulfilled His promise to make him King of Israel.
7. Jesus was born a baby, raised to adulthood, and thirty years old before He was anointed with the Holy Spirit and began His public ministry.
…in His time…God makes all things possible in His time. In His time, as He develops you and places where He wants you in the future, there are some things you can count on that will bring blessing to you and those you whom you work. As you delight in what God wants, He will not only develop your desires, but He will show you your desires, and He will see that those desires are fulfilled in your life.
Thanks Dad.
Crosby, TX — Here we come
If you’re in the Houston area this weekend come join the CWF in Crosby on Sunday and Monday night.
Scheduled to appear: Tim Storm, Chris Idol, Apoc, Jonah, Freight Train & more.
Tickets are $5 and we’re looking forward to two great shows.
If you need a map, here ya go: MAP
Or if you’d like more information on the church, visit
For the record…
Building Cat 5 Cable sucks. I don’t know if I have a cheap crimper or I’m color blind, but I can’t get this goofy cable to work at all.
Forehead for sale
WFAA reports about a woman who sold tattoo space on her forehead for $10,000.
I’ll sale space on my arm for a million.
Any takers?
And if you need another fund raising idea here’s one more:
WFAA also reports about a group of women who are posing nude for a calendar to save their local courthouse.
I’m pretty disgusted by the that idea – being that they’re all in their golden years – but if people pay for it, so be it.