Matt Update 2


Its 1:30 in the morning. I’m going to my first camp
in the morning.
I’m going to have my first encounter with the
children. I will be helping with different things.
Pretty much where ever they need me.
But please pray for Thursday, Friday, Saturday. We will be at a camp with teenagers. I’m going to be in a drama skit, also I will be talking to the guys about
lust and other things related.
Pray that God with prepare there hearts and that God will speak words through me for them.
We went to church this morning it was different, but were felt at home because it was Gods house. There was a interpreter there so we were able to understand.
I learned that people do not have the right of way here. Also you can’t smile at people walking down the street because from a stranger it means your making
fun to them.
Well its much a long line to get on the internet here that by the time I get on its late. So I’m going to bed.
love ya’ll

Update from Matt

NOTE: My best friend Matt Lehmann and Ron Shindoll joined Kathryn’s team for 10 days before she returns to the states. Matt’s e-mail updates will be posted here as well as on Kathryn’s blog.
Good morning,
Its morning over here right now. Ron and I are here.
The trip was smooth. I was up for 17 hrs before I got to go to bed.
God blessed us with very cool weather when we got here. So the room I slept in was cold and no mosquito’s. I slept all night.
Its very different over here. I’ve already realized how comfortable we live in the USA. We walked around the town where Kathryn will live. She had already gotten some news about moving over to work full time teaching English and other things. She is really being obedient to Gods will.
Im just dropping a qick email before I go to devotion.
Love ya’ll

You don’t use email?

Early this week I sent an e-mail to a co-worker at another office.
I waited a couple days for a response and after not receiving one, I called to see if they had gotten it.
“No – I only check my email every three or four weeks.”
HOW! How does someone working in a modern office, with e-mail not check it at least once a week?
Today I needed to send information to that same person and offered to send it via e-mail.
They told me “No. I don’t ever check my e-mail. Just send it with someone next time they come over here.”
Being that it was at least semi-urgent, I offered to fax the information to them.
And that was fine they said.
How do you encourage or get someone to check their e-mail more often than three to four weeks?
We have an 87 year-old-woman that works in the same office and she uses Microsoft Word and will type up responses to any e-mails I print for her.
I would imagine that if I actually networked her old Macintosh, she would learn to check her e-mail and respond to it daily.
My fear would be that she would get too many e-mails and respond to each of them.
She does have her own fan club (well sort of).
Any ideas on encouraging e-mail use within the office.
It just seems so time consuming and inefficient to do things any other way – especially when you’re working at different offices and neither person is in the office all day.

4 Ways Blogging Can Change Your Church has an article on how blogging can change your church

The April 5th issue of Business Week magazine had as their cover topic ‘Blogs will change your business.’ The article was both interesting and thought provoking. The article focused on the trend of blogging and how businesses will need to tap into this tread to stay current.

So what is your church or ministry doing?

Annoying RSS Reader

Well, the press called – wait – no they didnt. I waited till 6:40 and finally called them, after they said they’d call me in 10 minutes at 6:03.
So I’ve caught up on some of my blog reading – then there’s the podcasting. I should really listen to those more often, but at work I need music to keep me going, not more gibber jabber.
I’m in a funny mood tonight. Maybe it has to do with my paper being belittled by my publisher and thinking I wasn’t concerned about the print costs and other things it takes to put a newspaper out. Anyways, I believe it’t time to head home.
I think I’ll bring my laptop home with me for a change. I think I’m in the mood for more blog reading, research and a glass of wine – or maybe scotch. Hmmm.
Oh – about my title. I use RSS Reader 1.0 to read my blogs. I like its cause its free. But one thing I’ve noticed is that it constantly grabs old blog entries, that I’ve already read and downloads them and then flags them as new. What gives?
Any ideas? Maybe I should just wise up and buy a reader rather than trust one that’s given away for free.
I’ll keep you posted – Maybe.
Until next time — I’ll see you on the flip side.