link love…
Apprising Ministries wrote a lengthy explanation this week on how and why we had Adele Sakler and Pete Rollins on our podcast last week.
They offered up a 1,100 word post to explain the background behind last week’s podcast and were generous enough to offer four links back to our website.
I’m not even sure Thomas could talk that long about our podcast!
Personally I liked our summary, but they included some of that as well.
So, since Apprising Ministries doesn’t have blog comments enabled (its kind of a one sided conversation ) I wanted to publicly thank them for the link love and share the comments I offered via their contact form.
Especially since this is the second time they’ve offered up some link love.
Hey thanks again for plugging our podcast on your blog!
(ADELE SAKLER AND PETER ROLLINS / By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Aug 31, 2009)
We really do appreciate it.
We’d still love to have you come on our show and tell your story. Let us know if/when you’re interested.
God bless – and keep reforming!
Pax Dei!
And I just want to add, we love you guys and thanks again!
And BTW – since Apprising Ministries did plug for the Emergent Village Podcasting Network (which we’re a part of) I’d be a miss if I didn’t also throw out a plug to the Reformata group that Apprising is a part of.
I love their slogan. “Always reforming.”
It never ends, God is always changing us into his image — and there’s always room for more change.
HT mklingo for the photo.
UPDATE: Jonathan Brink has a great post on Ken Silva as well…
Do you know that Rob Bell is associated with the Advent Conspiracy?
Do you know that Rob Bell is associated with the Advent Conspiracy?
I head that he was getting involved this year.
Not sure if you’re suggesting that as something good or bad… (especially related to this post) I’m a fan of both Rob Bell and Advent Conspiracy, so it won’t change my opinion about either one.
I head that he was getting involved this year.
Not sure if you're suggesting that as something good or bad… (especially related to this post) I'm a fan of both Rob Bell and Advent Conspiracy, so it won't change my opinion about either one.