Well, we’re 5-10 minutes away from leaving for Thanksgiving festivities. I thought I’d jot down a quick list of thanks before we head off and stuff our bellies full of Turkey and the trimmings.
I’m thankful for…
- My Life, Laurie, who supports me and loves me and overlooks all my many flaws. She inspires me to be a better man, husband and person.
- My family, who also loves me, supports me and overlooks my flaws.
- My granddad making it through surgery and pulling through so he could see another Thanksgiving (albeit from the hospital ICU
- Opportunities to join with God in serving and loving all of creation.
- Jesus the Christ. The risen Messiah. My Redeemer.
- My tribe, encounter, who help me enjoy serving our God and who inspire me to be a stronger follower of God.
- My twurch, aka my online peeps. I’d love to start naming them, but they know who they are.
- My podcast with Thomas. It’s given me the opportunity to talk with some very inspiring folks and hear their stories and in return, share those stories with others. It’s also helped me live out my passion for radio.
- My life group, aka community 2.0 group. We started a new group in our house less than two months ago. I don’t think we’ve had the full group here at once, and I don’t think we’ve ever had the same group show up. But I’m thankful for each person that comes and the discharging of life that they share to help recharge my batteries.
- The leaders of other community 2.0 groups at encounter. These folks are amazing in giving of their time and talents to host groups and lead others towards Christ. They’re a real inspiration to me and many others. And it amazes me that four of our current leaders never dreamed of leading a group a year ago. God is good!
- The online tools I use to keep in touch with my friends, family and twurch. Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Google Reader, etc.
- Our house that we purchased last year.
- We own two vehicles to get us from place to place.
- Clean drinking water.
- Coffee in the pantry to make a hot cup in minutes, whenever I’d like.
- A heater and AC to warm us and cool us as we see fit.
- Electricity to power all the multitude of electronics and gadgets that we have.
- Did I mention my beautiful, wonderful, Life?
- The power of prayer – to change hearts – including mine.
- A job.
- Public transportation.
- My BlackBerry. Sure it might seem trite but its something I’m thankful for. It helps me stay in contact with all the folks that matter to me. And no – I don’t use it for work.
- Update :: I’m within 3,000 words of finishing my first full length novel! WOOT!
Sounds like its about time to pack up and leave. Happy Thanksgiving all.
Share your list on your blog or here as well.