A Fat Rant

A Fat Rant.

A family friend seems to be making it pretty big on YouTube. Joy Nash was interviewed on Entertainment Tonight for her YouTube video, Fat Rant. Over 775,000 views. Not bad.
From my mom:

Have you seen the video on the web called Fat Rant? It has created quite a stir. The creator and star in it happens to be Joy Nash. Do you remember her. Perhaps you were too young when they moved to California. Anyway, her dad was best man in our wedding. We were watching Entertainment Tonight last night, and they showed part of the video and interviewed her. Almost at the end it hit me….Joy Nash…..could it be? I hadn’t seen her in years (she was just a little girl when they moved), but she was the right age for the Joy I knew and looked like pictures I’d seen. Fred called John, her dad, and sure enough, it was her.

Checked out her website, and this is actually how I remember her (I think we might have even had this pic on our fridge at one point):

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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