Two toddler boys are running wild in our house these days. They’ve seen me writing a couple blog posts and wanted to get involved — so here’s their first guest post…
We moved into this new “castle” almost two weeks ago. It was exciting and strange and smelled funny. The people that live here are nice, although they don’t always do what we want. They make us keep our drinks in the kitchen and make us take naps when we really want to play with our new toys. We don’t know their names yet so we just call them “Hey!”
- N: Hey! is always there when we go to bed at night. He whispers something about Jesus and God in my ear before kissing us both goodnight and telling us he love us.
- M: Hey! is also there when we wake up. Except for those few times we woke up before him. He has funny hair in the morning.
- M: Lately Hey! has been taking us to a place they call daycare. We really like it there.
- N: Hey! helped me build two snowmen. We gave each of them three arms. They both fell over the next day.
- M: Sometimes Hey’s! face feels funny. I like to rub it with my hands while I’m drinking my milk at night.
- N: Hey! has big arms that I love to be held by. Whenever I’m confused, or frustrated or sad I always want to be held. Hey! has long arms to carry me with.
- N: Hey! drives a truck. I like big trucks and trains.
- M: Hey! sometimes gets distracted doing things on his gadgets. He doesn’t like me to touch them but sometimes he plays music and magical colors show up on the screen. Then he dances to the music in a really funny way.
- N: Dancing is dumb. I’m way too cool to dance with Hey!
- N: Sometimes when I’m playing with my toys they fall apart. I usually whine to get Hey’s! attention. Sometimes he helps me, sometimes he tells me to do it on my own. I wish he’d just help me all the time.
- M: Hey doesn’t like us to throw things in the house. He tells me to “roll them.” I don’t know what that means exactly but I wish he’d just let me do whatever I want.
We don’t know how long we’ll be here but we hope Hey! and Hey! keep taking care of us while we’re here. We need them to give us lots of attention and show us that they love us. We don’t like their gadgets that take attention away from us.
We’re still very afraid at times and we need them to be willing to stop what they’re doing and care for us.
We’ll try our best to be good boys and we’re sorry when we throw a fit because we just don’t know how else to express ourselves. We want to tell them what we want — we just don’t know how — and sometimes we don’t even know what we want.
We’re happy here and hope that someday you get to know Hey! and Hey! like we have.
Hey! Hey thanks for sharing this post. Praying for you guys!
-Rebeca Carpenter
feeling choked reading that…what a journey all you guys are on…hey! and hey! you are good good people
I am so proud of my brother and sister the “heys”
Love y'all both.
Thanks so much! Prayer is always appreciated.
thanks! much appreciated — even if we don't feel like it (good good people that is).