
This picture pretty much sums up yesterday for me–just substitute the cigarettes for chocolate and the prozac for a massage and it will all be okay!

I never believed in the phrase “Bridezilla” until yesterday. I can honestly say that yesterday was one of the worst days I have had in a very, very long time (I’m talking years). It started out at 4:45am when my alarm went off, I woke up just as tired as I was when I went to sleep…work was pretty bad, by 10:00 I had 2 nurses gripe me out for no apparent reason-I though I was being very nice and considerate. (I’m assuming they just let their frustration out on me for something else that was going on). Among other things, It was just a bad day at work overall. Next we had a “miss-communication” about living arrangements when Jonathan and I get married (long story). I basically just feel like I have lived out of boxes since last May when I moved out of my old apartment and haven’t had a true “home”. I’m ready to feel at home again somewhere! Anyway, back to the story…lastly, I was just frustrated with my heart problems…I hadn’t felt good for a couple of days and it finally just caught up with me yesterday and felt REALLY bad. But I’m going to see my cardiologist on Friday morning to pray it goes well and we might get this thing finally figured out and under control. I know a lot of people who have more things to be stressed out about than me so I know I will be ok and–this too will pass! Now, I wouldn’t say that I was a bridezilla by any means, just stressed out and probably griped out a few people who are closest to me. So I’m sorry if I did get testy with anyone yesterday, I truly didn’t mean it and my frustration just happened to be aimed at you at that moment. PLEASE forgive me!!

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