what to do???

So over the last few months, I’ve started missing Dallas and my friends and family who all live there. Ya, I know it’s only a 45 min to an hour drive to see them, but when you drive there 5 days a week to go to work, you don’t want to make another trip to see anyone. Especially with these gas prices….and if I just stay in Dallas after work to see people, it makes for a long day. The drive to work is getting to me the most I think. I do miss my friends though….I guess it all just hit me the last few days how much I do miss it. Okay so the majority of my friends and all my family is in the Dallas area and my work is in Dallas, but I live in Waxahachie…basically I feel like I live in two different places and I don’t get to see my friends or family that often. I miss the fact that I could call up a friend or brother or my mom and say hey lets go get coffee or lunch and in 15 minutes we’d see each other. A big delima comes in to play here because Jonathan is really involved in our church, Encounter, and all his friends are in Waxahachie or surrounding areas. Now don’t get me wrong, I do like Encounter and the people and friends I’ve met through our church. Let me put it this way, Jonathan is a very social person and could make friends with a rock…me on the other hand, it takes a while, I don’t have a whole lot of friends…no I’m not a loner….I have a handful of friends that I really have strong relationships with and I would just call up and talk or visit, and I’m completely fine with it. So now we have to decide where we want to live and hopefully we’ll find out before our lease is up in March. So be praying we get some peace about the situation.

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