What To Do

Have you ever felt like your life was stuck in a rut, you just do the
same thing day in and day out. Well, mine is anything but that right
now. But I have felt like that before and thought to myself, “What is
the one thing, or maybe two things, that I could do and be the
happiest?” Not necessarily for a job or pay or anything – money or time
is no object.
Jonathan and I have talked about this before and besides the obvious of
being a spouse and parent I would have to say that if I could do
anything at all and it would make me the happiest in life, I would work
in a childrens home and just love the kids who don’t have parents. I
have a huge passion to go to Russia and work in an orphanage (short-term
of course). But there are just as many parentless kids in America.
Every child needs to feel the love of a parent or a parent figure. They
simply need to feel loved! I would also work for Habbitat For Humanity
building houses. I love the fact that I can use my hands and my
abilities to help build someone else a house. What would you do, what
would make you the absolute happiest in life?

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