My Week

This has been a week! I ventured out into the world a couple of times this week and they even let me drive!! I think that was because I wasn’t taking any perscription strength pain killers at the time. I had planned on going back to work this past Monday but then Sunday came around and I was nowhere near ready to go back to work. I couldn’t even stand up straight or walk without being in severe pain. I said I’d go back on Wednesday or Thursday, ya that didn’t happen. So I’m going back to work on Monday and I think I’m ready now. I’m able to walk without much pain, but it’s still there some and I almost stand upright now. I go to the vascular surgeon this next week for another sonogram to make sure the aneurysm is gone or atleast going away. Everything is on the uphill slope now so let the wedding planning begin! I go tomorrow to look at dresses, YEAH! On a side note, not only did I get engaged but my “sister” got engaged the same day as me and our weddings are 5 weeks apart, so it’s going to be crazy.

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