Life’s Changes

A little over six years ago I started my career as a respiratory therapist at Children’s Medical Center and a week and a 1/2 ago I gave them my resignation. I learned a heck of a lot while working at CMC and worked with some of the sickest kids. I started working on the general care floors and then worked my way to the ER and Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. After about 4 years I moved to the pulmonary lab where I mainly did diagnostics and less therapeutics. I made some wonderful friends while at CMC and will never forget them.

But all good things must come to an end and while the last year or so for me at my job has brought many frustrations and anger at times, I am happy to close the door on my life at CMC. By doing so, it only starts a new chapter in my life that I am extremely excited about. I am starting my new job at the Martha Foster Lung Center at Baylor Hospital in Dallas on Monday and can’t wait. I will still be dong diagnostics but I’ll also be more involved with the whole care of the patient instead of just diagnostic testing.

Lets rewind a few months shall we. I was offered a job at El Centro college as the lab coordinator for the nursing and allied health schools back in march and I would have loved it but because of insurance reasons I couldn’t take it. Back in September I applied for this position at Baylor and was offered it. But I turned it down. But at the beginning of November I noticed that the position was still available on their website and I had thought about it more and I did regret turning it down and had rethought some things and decided that Baylor is where I should be so I called the manager and asked her if I could be reconsidered for the position. She said they were interviewing so once they were done she would let me know. Luckily, she offered it to me again!! I knew that if God had held this job open for me and it was offered to me AGAIN, then it must be where I’m supposed to be. I was a little worried because of my back and heart and my insurance not covering my past November 30 but all my worries were taken care of. I had follow up appointments with my cardiologist and neurosurgeon (along with another catscan) the last week of November and they both said I was doing ok. We have adjusted my cardiac meds and he said i’m good and don’t need to be seen again (Unless I need to) until March. My neurosurgeon said my broken vertebrae are healing, not healed completely yet, healing and I don’t need to see him again unless something comes up! So yeah, I don’t have to worry anymore. My new insurance with Baylor will kick in on Monday so just as long as I don’t get sick between now and then we’re all good.

So needless to say, God answers prayers and watches over us, even if we don’t feel it. I heard a saying once that has always stuck with me…”When God is silent, He is not still”. Even though we may not be aware He is doing things in our life, He is!

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