I’ve been tagged…

Amber tagged me so now I guess it’s my turn to list 7 things about me. So here goes:

1. It’s no surprise–I love photography, taking it, looking at it, anything about it. I love learning new ways to improve my skills.

2. I’m in a group on Flickr where you take a self portrait of some sort every day for 365 days. It makes you think about photography techniques and you end up learning and improving your photography. It’s tough, but I’m having fun.

3. I am dying to go to the UK…London, Scotland, Ireland. Maybe one day the hubs and I will make it there…and then maybe we’ll get to visit our mates Thomas and Olly who live in Scotland.

4. I love the feel of digging my feet in the sand on the beach.

5. I have a fear of deep waters, that’s why I like the beach, not the ocean…I don’t know why, I’ve never had a traumatic experience with it, I just don’t like it. It freaks me out! Just looking at the ocean on google maps kinda makes me hyperventilate!

6. I would love to do a triathlon one day but I hate running, so maybe I’ll just do a bike race instead.

7. I love making my house feel like a home! That includes, painting it, putting up decorations or even just rearranging the furniture to make it flow. It’s my home and where I can be me, a safe place, I want it to feel like it’s mine!

Now I tag Shari…..

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