It’s Cold Outside…just some ramblings

For any of those who know me, you know that I was in absolute heaven a couple of days ago when it was snowing…Okay, so I wouldn’t techincally call it snow, it was more like little white dots, but either way they were little drops of heaven. I LOVE snow and cold weather. We were walking to our cars after work on Thrusday and we were on the skybridge with glass windows and I felt like I was in a snow globe. We were completely surrounded by snow flakes and it was really cool. You should have been there! Another thing, why is it that when there is a chance for a little drop of sleet to hit the ground, even though the ground is like 90 degrees because the weather has been too warm the 2 previous weeks, the news freaks out. They stayed on the air ALL day Thursday and Friday morning. It’s ridiculous. Texans make a big deal about cold weather! It’s just cold. I think when the coldness sweeps into town, it affects peoples ability to drive too. It’s like they turn on a stupid switch or something and forget how to drive. I’ll never figure it out. I hope everyone stayed safe!

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