
I hope everyone had a great Christmas, or Hanukkah, Kwanza, whatever you
celebrate. I will say that trying to fit in 2 families in one day is
CRAZY and I think Jonathan and I have come up with a solution. When we
buy a house, we are going to buy one big enough where every holiday we
can just have both sides of the family over and we won’t have to go
anywhere! (And yes, that includes the Lehman’s and Medlin’s)
I had a wonderful Christmas, celebrating with both mine and Jonathan’s
family. It felt like a very fast pace two days (Christmas Eve and Day).
Sunday morning I went out to Jonathan’s church, Encounter, in
Waxahachie and enjoyed a great Christmas service with him. Then we went
down to Austin St. shelter with a group to pass out hygiene bags we made
for the men and women in the shelter, and hung around just talking to
them. Some of those men have fascinating stories if you just take the
time to listen. One guy we met is from New Jersey and was making his
way to Arizona. I think he likes Texas because he came here in 1991 and
hasn’t left yet! As much fun as it was, it was also a little cold and
wet…we were out in the rain without any umbrellas so you can imagine
how wet we got. All in the name of love I guess. After we left Austin
St. we ran home and changed (well, of course I had to wash my hair
again) and then went to our parents church for the candle light service.
Lastly we went to Kara (Jonathan’s sister) and Tim’s place for a
Christmas Eve party. We had a great time and I do believe some Bingo
was played. What kind of Christmas party would it be without Bingo!
Christmas day it started all over again…I went to his parents house
for breakfast and spent some time with them, then we headed back to my
parents to open presents and eat lunch with my family…then we headed
to Sulphur Springs to spend the evening with the rest of his family.
Crazy two days, but it was fun and I had a great time with all the
family! This is the time of year I look forward to all year long…I
just like spending time with all the family and watching my niece and
nephew open up their presents with anticipation of what might be in that
package. The joy on a childs face when they open up something they have
been wanting or asked Santa for is amazing! I think my nephew got every
Ben10 action doll there is. And of course it wouldn’t be a family
gathering unless my 2 year old niece went streaking across the house
with nothing but a smile on. Oh the memories!

One thought on “Holiday

  1. I believe I’ve seen the streaking of your niece before… she doesn’t limit that to just holiday celebrations. 🙂

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