Which Care Bear Are You? (Pictures)

You Are Laugh A Lot Bear!
There's always something funny going on wherever Laugh-a-lot Bear is. This silly bear gets everything mixed up but turns her little misfortunes and mistakes into lots of laughter for others. Her symbol shows what she really is a star at giving others the giggles.
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I'm laugh a lot bear! Imagine that....okay if you really know me, you know this is true. And it's ORANGE!! I used to love the carebears growing up...i had the blue one, I don't remember what that one was though. I wonder where it is now?

One thought on “

  1. Your “friend” was aqua blue and her name was “Wish Bear”. I know you don’t remember, but I’m pretty sure that you have heard the story about how you gave up your “pacie” when you were two. We had quite a family ceremony. All five of us went up to Brad’s school and you bravely tossed your pacie into the dumpster, then, when you went home, there was your Care Bear waiting to comfort you. She had a smiling star (chosen for obvious reasons) with a rainbow shooting behind her. I looked on the Care Bear website a few days ago, and they said that the shooting star represented following your dreams and that her personality was shy and quiet. I guess we got that part right, too. Actually, I think Laugh-a-Lot Bear suits you pretty well, smiling star and all. I wish I could tell you just where Wish Bear is, but I’m afraid I can’t. Hopefully, she made her way to the attic, but you might have tossed her in one of your cleaning frenzies. Sorry, but I can’t do anything about that!

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