Milk – does a body good…

Ian eating like a rockstar

Unless your one of our boys. The last few weeks we have had some issues with Ian when it comes to feeding. The first week he was an extremely happy baby and took his bottles like a rockstar, no problem what so ever. He would eat, stay up a little bit then fall asleep, the repeat a few hours later. After that first week and a half we started noticing some changes in our happy Ian. He was getting fussy, extremely gassy, coughing some, not as happy, didn’t sleep as well, started grunting and acting constipated – that he definitely was not! Fast forward 3 weeks and it had just gotten worse. By this point we had tried about 4 different formulas (including soy) and had a late night call to the doctor because after trying the soy he had horrible, I mean horrible, diarrhea and we had no clue what to feed our child. I finally had enough of watching my, once happy little boy, look miserable so I took him in to see the pediatrician. Basically she said it is more than likely a milk allergy, not just lactose intolerance since he didn’t tolerate the soy either. So she started him on Nutramingen which is lactose free and hypoallergenic (partially broken down proteins). We are trying him on that formula for 10-14 days and if that doesn’t work then we may have to switch to another, more expensive, formula which is a prescription. I hope it doesn’t come down to this but it’s been a week and we can tell a little bit of difference, just not a whole lot…so I have a feeling we may be going to the different formula. But we’ll see, maybe next week he’ll turn around. I also think he may have a little bit of reflux and she said he may too. So we may be adding some reflux meds as well.

Hayden eating like a champ

Then there’s Hayden. He was doing really well, just like Ian…took his bottle like a champ. About a week and a half ago we noticed him starting to do some of the same things Ian was doing. He was grunting, starting to get a little fussy but not a whole lot, spitting up some (but what baby doesn’t), and coughing some as well. Well the last few days, he has just gotten worse. It’s a struggle to get him to eat because he acts like it hurts him. When he eats he starts out great, then about 2-3 minutes in he starts to gulp his food down with this painful look on his face and then, out of the blue, starts to cry….during all this he is arching his back and extending his neck. So we take the bottle out of his mouth and he stops. We give it back to him and the whole thing repeats itself…Its a vicious cycle. We were thinking he had a milk allergy as well but now that he’s started all this, I’m pretty sure he has reflux instead of it being an issue with the formula. I pretty much dread feeding time at our house and with Jonathan back at work I do about 90% of the feedings. Needless to say I will be calling our pediatrician, again, first thing in the morning…but for the other child this time.

We just have to hope and pray that we can get this whole thing figured out because I want my happy little boys back! They just look miserable!!

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