
I found this pregnancy questionaire on another blog so I thought I’d give it a go and fill it out once a month.

How Far Along: 26 weeks (26 weeks 3 days to be exact)

Total Weight Gained/Loss: depends on how you look at it…11 pounds if you go by what I was before I got pregnant and 18 if you go by my first OB appointment after I had lost 7 pounds from morning sickness.

Maternity Clothes: I basically hate clothes in general right now…nothing is comfortable. Luckily since I’m on bed rest I don’t work and can spend my days in T-shirts and comfy shorts. I can’t go shopping for bigger maternity clothes since I’m on bed rest so I only have a few items I can wear.

Sleep: What’s that? I only sleep a few hours at a time before I either get up to go to the bathroom or try to get comfortable. Since I can only sleep on my sides my hips hurt after a while so I have to turn over. I feel like I’m constantly tossing and turning. I also get insomnia so I’ll wake up to go to the bathroom at 2 or 3 and then lay awake for an hour. My doctor did give me something to help me sleep but I can’t take it every night.

Best Moment of the Week: Hearing that I can now be on more of a modified bed rest and can go out to eat every once in a while or run to “the post office” if I need to. And to find out that baby B had doubled his weight in only 4 weeks.

Movement: When don’t they move! The hardest part about it is sometimes I can’t tell who is kicking. The bigger they get, the bigger the kicks, jabs, punches get. Sometimes though, when they roll over it feels like a fluid like movement and kinda tickles.

Food Craving: Not sure if I really have cravings, there are certain foods that I like better than before but nothing that I crave. I do prefer sweets now when I used to prefer salty foods. I like little debbie swiss rolls and cream soda. I have been eating a lot of BBQ since I got pregnant so I guess that would be a craving.

Food aversions: At first it was chicken, anything chicken except fried chicken. I’m getting better with it now but it still isn’t my favorite thing to eat.

Morning sickness: The first 3 to 4 months was 24 hour nausea and vomiting in the evenings – horrible! But the zofran definitely helped me…it didn’t take away the nausea but made it tolerable.

: TWO BOYS! Hayden James and Ian Christopher

Labor Signs: I still have contractions all throughout the day but not nearly as many as when I was working. Laying on the couch the majority of the day has definitely helped.

Belly Button: Reaching maximum capacity. No outtie yet but it is slowly stretching out and disappearing.

Stretch Marks: As of now, none to report and hopefully that will continue!

Wedding rings:
No problems here. Mine still fits just fine.

Exercise: My exercise consists of walking from the couch to the kitchen/bathroom. I haven’t been able to exercise since my first OB appointment at 8 weeks.

What I miss: clothes that fit and feel comfortable

What I’m looking forward to: Besides meeting the boys…my shower next Saturday.

Other NEW news this week: Not much to report. I did get to go to the pool yesterday!

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