Perinatologist appointment – 26 weeks

Yesterday we went to have our monthly ultrasound with the perinatologist (high risk doc) and got a good report. We’ve got 2 almost 2 pound babies that are growing like they should. Baby A (Hayden) is still head down, like he has been all along and weighs 1 pound 14 ounces. Baby B (Ian) is now laying completely sideways and weighs 1 pound 12 ounces. They checked my cervix length to make sure the contractions still weren’t making me dilate and it was about the same as it has been. So based on that and the negative fetal fibronectin test I had a few weeks ago the perinatologist said I am allowed to get up and do some things. He said if I needed to go to the post office or if I wanted to go out to eat every once in a while I could, I don’t have to stay on the couch or in bed 24 hours a day. Obviously I’m not going to take advantage of this and I am still going to stay on the couch the majority of the time. Not doing as much and staying on the couch for the past couple weeks has helped with Baby B (Ian’s) growth and him catching up to his brother. They were watching his size because the difference between the two babies was getting bigger and this time they were almost the same – Yeah! I also get more contractions when I am up on my feet or move around too much, so I’m just taking precautions and trying to keep these babies in for as long as I can. We’ll see what my regular OB says when I go see her in 2 weeks.

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