34 week OB appointment

I just realized I never posted an update on our appointment this past Friday. Not a whole lot happened at this appointment, just a routine visit. We had a sonogram and both babies looked great. They are getting bigger and as my Dr. put it, “I’m all baby”. There’s not a whole lot of room in there for them anymore, half of Baby B is under my ribs…so that would explain the sudden, sharp pains in my rib cage. They may not have a lot of room but, apparently there is enough for them to flip. Baby B (Ian) is now head down and Baby A (Hayden) is still head down. Even though they are both head down we are still planning on doing a c-section due to the strain on my heart from vaginally delivering 2 babies. We did not check my cervix this visit, she left it up to me to decide if I wanted it checked and since I just had it checked a week before and will have it checked this Friday, I opted not to.

As far as the date for the c-section goes, it’s still up in the air…she wants 37 weeks and the hospital I’ll deliver at wants 39 weeks. I highly doubt I’ll make it to 39 weeks without going into labor on my own. I asked my Dr. if she thought I’d make it to 37 weeks and she kinda grinned and said “I hope so”, so only time will tell. I’ll go back and see her again this Friday and hopefully we’ll know something about when we can schedule the c-section. In the mean time, here’s a belly picture for you.

34 weeks with twins

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