Last OB appointment before the big day

Today we had our final OB appointment before the boys’ birthday and scheduled c-section on Thursday (assuming they hold off for another 48 hours). Everything still looks good and the boys are growing and putting on weight. My doctor was having a hard time getting a look at ALL of Baby B (Ian) because he is under my rib cage trying to get as much space as he can….real estate is pretty tight for the boys these days. We tried talking her into doing the c-section today but she already had to run down to do an emergency c/s once she was done with me.

So we have the amnio set for 9:30 Thursday morning to check and make sure their lungs are mature and then we have to check into labor and delivery at 11:30 for a 1:30 c-section. That’s less than 48 hours away…and we’ll finally get to meet our boys!

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