Boy oh Boy!

Twins Gender

You got it, we are having two BOYS! I had a level II sonogram (high risk sono) this past week that looked for any structural defects including heart defects, club feet, and cleft lip and measured both babies to make sure they were both growing equally. Everything checked out great. And we were able to find out the gender of both babies. A few weeks ago when I went for my monthly check up and sono with my OB she was able to tell us we definitely had one boy but wasn’t able to tell the gender of the other one, so we had to wait a week and a 1/2 to find out what the other baby was a long week and a 1/2.

We were able to get a good picture of Baby A and you can see the profile pretty well, but Baby B wouldn’t cooperate, he kept turning his back to us so we couldn’t get a good picture. But here they are at 18 weeks.

18 weeks

Now that we know they are both boys, I can finally start doing stuff in the nursery, putting things on a registry, buying clothes when I see them, etc. We also have been able to narrow down our name list. But, you’ll have to wait to find out the names….

More updates to come

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