
Twins at 28 weeks

I know I just gave you guys an update on the babies and our appointment but here is more of a general update.

I am at 28 weeks and 5 days now and at this point I have finally made it into the 3rd trimester – WAHOO!!

As far as the babies go, at this point their eyes are no longer fused shut and are beginning to open and blink. They have started to have REM (rapid eye movement) as they also have more regular wake/sleep cycles. Luckily the boys have seemed to keep the same wake/sleep cycles. They tend to be quiet and calm at the same time and tend to move at the same time now. I can only assume it’s because of the limited real estate they have rented and when one stretches or moves, it wakes the other…In my mind, its just getting them ready for when they are here and hopefully they will be so used to the jabs and kicks from one another that it won’t even phase them when they are sleeping in their king sized beds (AKA their cribs). Let’s hope that’s the case!

Their eyes now have color and while babies usually have a blue or gray color to them when they are born, it takes up to 6-9 months after birth for their “real” eye color to change if it is going to. I would be totally fine if they both had blue eyes like me!

The babies are down right chubby compared to a few weeks ago, but still look like little wrinkled old men and need more fat to fit under that extra skin.

They are starting to hiccup and I can feel it sometimes…it just feels like slight rhythmic taps.

Their kicks have turned into more of just movements now, they don’t have as much room to pull back 3 or 4 inches and slug me in the side anymore. I can feel a knee, elbow, leg or arm (I couldn’t tell you what’s what by feeling) by just putting my hand on my stomach. It’s funny because when they have a leg or arm pressed up against my stomach and I push on it, they immediately pull back like they are thinking, “wow, what was that?” But I think they are getting used to it by now, because it doesn’t seem to phase them really anymore. Jonathan keeps telling me to quit poking his boys!

As far as how I’m feeling…each week gets a little more uncomfortable. My ribs are hurting from my stomach pressing up on them, I get full really fast and don’t eat a whole lot. I can’t stand for that long without feeling lightheaded and even sitting up makes me feel that way sometimes. The bigger they get the more its’ going to happen because they will be pressing on my main vein more. Sleeping is horrible! Not only do I get up 3 times a night to go to the bathroom, but when I get up I usually can’t go back to sleep. By the morning when Jonathan leaves (about 630) I’m awake and can’t go back to sleep because my hips and shoulders hurt from sleeping on my sides. I did get some Ambien to help me sleep but I can only take it a couple nights a week…those nights I definitely get sleep. In fact the last night I took it I didn’t move at for like 8 hours! It felt great to get some actual sleep but by the morning my hip hurt really bad…but I’ll live with it for the sleep I got! I am still having contractions all throughout the day and that’s why I am still on bed rest. They don’t really hurt but are very uncomfortable and when you have them all throughout the day it wears you out.

I know my uncomfortableness is just going to get worse as time goes on but it will all be worth it in the end and CAN’T wait to meet our little boys! If all goes as planned, we have roughly 60 more days to go!!

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