37 weeks!!

We made is 37 weeks, I can’t believe it!! I am considered full term now, especially for twins. If you told me I would make it this far 3 months ago I would have laughed at you. It has been a bumpy road but I can honestly say it hasn’t been a horrible pregnancy, it could have been a lot worse! I could have been in the hospital, been to L&D every other week or even delivered before the babies were ready. God has definitely watched over us and for that I will forever Praise Him. We can’t forget about all of our friends, family, and even people we have never met that have been prayong for all of us – Thank you!!

We are on our way to have the amnio done an then we will go check-in to labor and delivery for our scheduled c-section. Later we will have our boys here!! Here is one last belly picture.

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