35 week OB appointment

Today we had our 35 week appointment and got a date for my C-Section – wahoo! Like I have mentioned in the past the hospital I am delivering at won’t let my Dr. schedule a c-section until 39 weeks, which is ridiculous for twins (since 37 weeks is full term with twins). So we are going to do an amniocentesis the morning of the cesarean just to make sure the lungs are mature and with that the hospital will let us schedule the surgery which will be later that afternoon. That’s 13 days people…13 DAYS until they arrive! But of course, they could always take after their mom and decide to come earlier than planned. If they did come earlier, I would obviously accept them with open arms, but I would prefer for them to wait.

We had our weekly sonogram and the boys still look great. They were moving around, practicing their breathing and the their fluid levels were still good. She said Baby B (Ian) was getting some chubby cheeks…ok, maybe not chubby but he is getting some fat on those cheeks. I’m still not really swelling much, just my hands primarily. Still having contractions all day long but they are infrequent so they aren’t really a sign of labor. I’ll go back and see my OB next Friday so hopefully we’ll have another good check up.

Here is my week 35 belly picture:

35 weeks with twins

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