30 week belly picture and questionaire

Here is the same questionaire I filled out last month and I’m sure not much has changed so I’ll do a modified questionaire. Here is another belly shot, I forgot to post it yesterday when I posted the 30 week update.

30 weeks with twins...can you see the sleepiness in my eyes?!

How Far Along: 30 weeks

Total Weight Gained/Loss: 22 pounds

Sleep: Me and sleep don’t get along right now. I’m up a lot throughout the night either going to the bathroom or just awake. I toss and turn all night just to get comfortable and I’m sure I keep Jonathan awake more than he would like.

Best Moment of the Week: Getting to see a 3D/4D image of our Baby A…too bad Baby B wouldn’t cooperate. I’m hoping we will get a chance to see Baby B in 3D/4D but it just depends on the sonographer.

Movement: They have slowed down in their movement, but are still active. They don’t do as many kicks and jabs but more rolling over and just moving.

Food Craving: Ocean Waters from Sonic.

Labor Signs: I still have contractions all throughout the day but not nearly as many as when I was working. Laying on the couch the majority of the day has definitely helped. They are the same in frequency as they have been the last month or so but are getting stronger in intensity (still not “hurting” really though) Other than that no signs of labor – thankfully!

Belly Button: Ya, I guess I can say I have an outie now

Stretch Marks: So far so good, no stretch marks, hopefully it will stay that way!

Wedding rings: It is getting a little tight every once in a while, just depends on the day.

What I miss: clothes that fit and feel comfortable and being able to just run to the store if I want to.

What I’m looking forward to: getting to see the boys again in 2 weeks and my shower next Saturday

Other NEW news this week: They boys are roughly 3 pounds each!! I’ve got 6 pounds of baby in me, that’s crazy.

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