New Toy

I have really started learning more and doing more with photography and have pretty much taken it up as a new hobby…okay, I love it! anyway, I heard about this type of photography called TTV–through the viewfinder. It’s where you take a picture with one camera through the viewfinder of another camera…the catch is the bottom camera with the viewfinder is an old vintage camera. It’s really cool. Vintage cameras are awesome to begin with and I wanted to see what this whole TTV is like so I found an old Kodak Duaflex II on ebay and won it for like $11–WOW. So I got it in yesterday and started playing with it. Just simply looking through the viewfinder of this old camera is amazing. I don’t have everything I need to do it exactly right and the focus wasn’t right so it’s blurry, but this is what I got so far and I think it’s addicting getting pictures this way. Remember this is the FIRST picture I’ve ever done this way.

I was showing Jonathan the new camera last night and when he was holding it and looking down at the viewfinder I saw his face in the lens and had to get a picture of it because it was just really neat! This is what it looked like

Awesome huh?!
I was thinking this morning that it would be cool to find some film and take some actual pictures with the camera when it hit me…this is a circa 1955 camera and it’s now the digital age of photography so the chances of me finding Kodak 620 film to go with this camera will be next to impossible. Well, I was right, the 620 film that is required is out of production–DOH! BUT, I read that it will also take 120 film which is in production and you can easily buy. The only problem was that the film spool the 620 film is different from the 120 spool so I found a 620 spool on ebay for $4. So all I have to do now is get 120 film and re-spool it onto the 620 spool and viola–I can take pictures! Assuming the camera even works…they guy I bought it from didn’t know if it worked or not because it was his dads and he passed away years ago. I even found a photo lab that develops that film–YEAH. So once I get everything I need and start working on it, I’ll let you know what happens and how they turn out.

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