Mi Ojos!

For you non-spanish speaking readers that means My Eyes! About 2 maybe 3 years ago I started wearing glasses, and let me tell you, I hate it! I tried the whole contact lenses and I just can’t do it…my eyes are irritated with them in and i can see the outline of the lens and it’s miserable so I’m stuck with wearing these dreadful things on my face. Well I went to get an eye exam today because my glasses weren’t seeming to do the trick anymore and i think the prescription needed to be adjusted. Boy was I right! He said that because I’m farsighted I will probably need stronger ones every couple of years–JOY…oh but eventually I’ll need bifocals! SERIOUSLY Bifocals! nooooo, i’ll never need those. Anyway, my eye sight in my right eye has gotten so much worse in just a years time I couldn’t believe it….so I asked him if me not wearing my glasses had anything to do with it and of course he said yes, so I have to wear them all the time! DANG. I hate wearing them because 1) I don’t like them and B) I don’t have the anti-glare lenses and EVERY light is a glare and I can’t see, especially at night. So I decided if I have to wear them I might as well spend a little more money and get some I really like and get an anti-glare lens..and of course that’s more money–it’s expensive getting older! So I ordered my new glasses and get this–they are pink, now don’t get an idea in your head that is some pepto bismol pink because that is not the case–they are a very very sheer pink tint, not really pink in color. And they have some bling on the side–awesome. Not over kill bling, just a little jewel…I know what you’re thinking, those aren’t you, but oh they are so me, I’m just letting the bling and pink side of me come out after 26 years.

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