what’s going on?

I know, I know, I haven’t blogged since January 28th….that’s a while ago. I’ve had a few things to blog about but I just never felt like sitting down to write them. So this is a run down of what’s been going on the last few weeks.
Started school, as a full time student, while working full time–no fun. I’ve been going back and forth with the registrars office at Midwestern about my art credit–which made me a full time student if I wanted to graduate on time. Basically they said I should just wait to graduate in August…WHEN IT WAS THERE FAULT that my credit didn’t transfer!!! O’well, what else can I do.

About a week ago Jonathan and I traded in my Xterra for a chevy HHR, which gets way better gas mileage than my xterra ever thought of getting. I loved the Xterra but not filling it up every 4 days or so from driving to and from Dallas everyday. The best part–IT’S ORAGNE–I know, most people wouldn’t think of getting an orange car, I love it…can’t explain why but I do. I’ve always loved the color orange, it’s just a happy color. You can’t help but get in a good mood when you see my car, it’s cute and orange! So here’s the new ride:

Last Saturday we had some friends over to our house for a chinese themed dinner and played a few games–always fun. Sorry, no pictures of that…can you believe it, I didn’t take one picture the whole night–until after everyone went home and I took a photo of some chocolate covered fortune cookies. Delicious.

This week has just been a typical week, busy with work, school, small group, and trying to maintain some sort of sanity. This week was pretty busy at work and then I decided I’d better actually do some studying for school so I did that:

Thursday I had to go to PALS renewal (pediatric advanced life support) which is just mentally exhausting. But we had to find some way to keep it interesting so why not just take pictures of the dummies we use:

Thursday was Valentine’s day but more on that later on.

Friday night Jonathan and I decided to go to Red Robin for dinner and then run over to half price books–always hun. I’ve only been to red robin once before and it was pretty good…I got chicken strips before and wasn’t too impressed but this time I got a hamburger and it was really really good. I got the royal red robin burger and it was very tasty and unique. It had a fried egg on top of the burger with bacon strips and the usuals….yummy! You should try it sometime. Like I wouldn’t take a picture of something at Red Robin:

Today (Saturday) was a typical Saturday of running around and getting things done. I woke up this morning and posted stuff for my government class and then I went to be the “photographer” for a friends baby shower. I’ve never though of myself as a photographer, I just like to take pictures…but I was honored they asked me to do it. Then as it was pouring I stopped by the store to pick up some things to make chicken spaghetti for dinner tonight. Then I got home and took exam 1 for my art course–got an A so that’s good. Exam 2 will probably be tomorrow…fun fun fun! OKay, off to finish dinner!

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