Yeah for Cingular!

I’ve been known to drop things quite often–mainly cell phones. I’ve been through numerous cell phones in the last year! I had a beloved Palm Treo that I was kind of rough on and eventually the keypad just stopped working. It’s been out of service for a while now and about a month ago I got a motorola Razr. Don’t EVER get a motorola Razr–this phone has been nothing but trouble since I got it. It locks up, turns off and won’t receive or send text messages half of the time. So I call Motorola and tell them about it so they said that my phone was shipped from over seas in Singapore, as are most other cell phones. This is the best part, the lady told me “Well since it was shipped overseas, you’re going to HAVE TO GO TO THE COUNTRY IT WAS SHIPPED FROM”. I just laughed and said “just to make sure I heard you right, you said I have to get on a plane and fly to Singapore to get a new $140 phone?” Motorola obviously doesn’t stand behind their products. So I have a nice new Razr that is broken and kind of useless…oh ya, it always has static when I’m on the phone too. Well, I was thinking last night and instead of getting yet another phone, why dont’ I just see how much it would be to fix my treo. So this morning I called Cingular–AT&T now–and asked them if they could fix it. They walked me through steps to reboot it and see if they could fix it over the phone and nothing–still broken. So the nice cingular lady said “well since you’ve had this phone a little under a year it’s still covered under warranty and we’ll just send you a new one.” YIPPEE for Cingular–my faith is restored in them.

One thought on “Yeah for Cingular!

  1. Walker’s on his 3rd razor….all replacements from Cingular….and it still doesn’t work like it should. But I hope your 2nd one turns out better than his!

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