What we’ve been up to

Since I’ve been back to work, the posts have obviously decreased in frequency. Generally from 7:00 PM on we are giving the boys baths, feeding them and putting them to bed and then once that is done, we go to sleep – anywhere from 10:00 to 12:00 depending on how well they go to sleep. So I usually don’t have much down time at home after work, and on the weekends we’ve just been busy lately.

I had mixed emotions when I went back to work. I was ready to go back because I had been off work for 5 months, but at the same time, I didn’t want to leave the boys. So I brought the boys with me to work…

We are extremely blessed to have our mothers watch the boys a few days a week while we are at work. Putting two infants in daycare was an outrageous amount of money. Basically, there was no reason for me to work if they would be in daycare, my entire check would go to pay for someone else to watch them. So we are sooo grateful to our moms (and dads sometimes) to watch the boys for us. Not only does it help financially, but its just a huge burden lifted off our shoulders to know who is watching our boys and to know that there is nothing we have to worry about. We know they will be taken care of and loved just as much as if it were Jonathan or myself at home with them.

Our moms have done a great job keeping the boys on their schedule and giving them their medicine, etc but we have noticed that the boys have realized that it’s not us at home with them all day. Its not a bad thing and its nothing our moms are doing wrong by any means, the boys just know its not mom and dad at home with them.

They boys are 12 weeks now and growing like crazy. I’ve packed away all their preemie and a lot of their newborn clothes and are pulling out their 0-3 months clothes now. Hayden is packing on the pounds while Ian is slow to catch up, but he will in time. That’s all I’ll say about them right now….you’ll get more later this week for their 3 month update.

I went to the cardiologist Friday morning because I had been having episodes of severe chest pain that would last anywhere form 30 mins to 2 hours. She told me I had coronary artery spasms, which basically is what it sounds like. My coronary arteries spasm which causes episodes of severe (and I mean MASSIVE) chest pain. So she gave me a prescription for nitroglycerin to use when I had an episode and if that didn’t work, she gave me another medication to take on a daily basis. She said it was more than likely caused by the pregnancy…well the hormones from the pregnancy, and it should go away within 6-12 months.

Well we had an exciting night Friday night. I woke up about midnight with massive chest pains and knowing what they were I did my nitroglycerin the cardiologist gave me but after 2 shots and about an hours time they didn’t go away, so we thought it would be best to call 911. So the ambulance got there and took me to the ER. After about 2 hours from when the chest pain started, it finally stopped and I was able to get some relief. This was about 5 minutes before we got to the hospital! So of course when they bring me into the ER I am having no pain. I told the EMS they could just turn the ambulance around and take me home…they didn’t agree.

The ER was a waste of time and all they did was tell me to follow up with my cardiologist on Monday – uh Duh, I could have told you I needed to do that! So, needles to say I got the other prescription my cardiologist gave me filled and have taken it every day since then. Hopefully it will keep the episodes away and I won’t have another one like the one on Friday night. That was painful!

The boys had an evaluation for DocBands (therapeutic helmet) on Friday. I say boys, we actually only had an eval for Hayden but ended up having them look at Ian’s head as well. Since they are twins, the chance of them having a misshaped head increases from the lack of space in the womb. Poor Hayden’s head has been misshaped since day 1 since he was basically squeezed into my pelvis for 8 1/2 months. He also had a tight neck from the way he was in the womb so he didn’t really turn his head from side to side. Because of that his head is flatter on one side than the other. It has also pushed his forehead forward and his ears are misaligned. We found out today that our insurance won’t cover anything until they turn 4 months old so we have to wait another month to start treatment. The good news is that they will cover some of the costs…it doesn’t even make a dent in the total cost, but I can’t complain because there are a lot of people that don’t get any help from insurance.

I finally printed some of the photos I have taken of the boys and got them framed so I could hang them on the wall in the living room.

The next week will be spent getting ready for my brother, Brian’s, wedding which is next weekend. I can’t believe he is getting married.

Brian and Stephanie

We live in the same neighborhood as Brian and just as we move into our new house in May, he leaves. His fiance has a bigger house so they will be living in her house. He may be leaving but we get a pretty sweet trade off because Jonathan’s sister and her husband are going to rent Brian’s house!! They will basically be around the corner from us so it’ll be fun to have them so close.

We have also been dressing up like superheros…well the boys have, not us.


Hayden as Batman


Ian as Superman

And there has been a lot of smiling around our house lately…


Mr. Chuckles


Mr. Big Grin

So that’s pretty much what we’ve been up to lately…

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