What a week!

Man has it been a crazy week. We’ve been swamped at work trying to get all the kids in before school starts and next week is going to be even busier–yikes! Wednesday on my way home from work I basically blew out one of my tires and had to change that, well I didn’t change it. I was all ready to do so, I had the spare tire down and the jack out but I just couldn’t get the jack to work, it was sticking and luckily this nice man stopped to help me and he had one of those big jacks on wheels…the whole time I was just thinking to myself “just don’t take me or shoot me” it’s sad that we think that now days but that’s what its coming down to. Just two or three days prior to that a–now stay with me on this–a co-worker of mine, his wife’s cousin was killed while he pulled over to help a guy who had crashed. The guy who he stayed to help shot him and three other guys and then shot himself. looser! Anyway, we got my tire changed and two new ones put on my car b/c they needed to be changed anwyay. Then discount tire was being dumb and couldn’t figure out what they were doing with my tires….they didn’t know where to put the new tires or what to change or whatever……That was a crazy afternoon/evening. Let’s just say i’m ready for the weekend. I think wer’re just going to go eat tonight and then rent a movie to watch at home…if I can stay awake through it! not sure what else we’ll do this weekend. Hope you have a good one!

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