
So it was a very disappointing weekend…but not overall, we had some good times too. We started out to Austin Friday afternoon leaving a little later than we wanted and ran into some traffic. We ended up getting to Austin around 7:30 or so and checked into our hotel room. This is where the disappointment started. Our room was a little musty/moldy smelling and I think my hotel room in NYC was bigger than this one. After a little while our friends Wayne and Cara picked us up and took us to dinner at Matt’s El Rancho mexican restaurant. It was a wait to get in but it was worth it because the food was awesome! After dinner we decided to go snap some night shots of the capital…after all, we are in Austin. The lighting on the pics were a little off and we used the hood of our car because we forgot the tripod, so some of the pictures are a little crooked.

After dinner and pictures we went back to the hotel and put on our swimmers. One of the main reasons we booked this particular hotel was because of the indoor pool, hot tub and sauna they claimed to have. We went down to the pool only to find it closed for renovations. Another disappointment so we just called it a night. We slept in a little on Saturday morning and then headed out on the town. We did some geocaching around Austin, we just couldn’t find one of them but had better luck with the second one.

We snapped some photos of a huge guitar outside of the whole foods store in downtown Austin and then ate some lunch at Frank and Angie’s Pizzarria…good pizza. I just got the usual cheese pizza while Jonathan got a pizza with everything on it…most of which would make me sick.

After we ate we decided to get back on the road and we made a few stops on our way back to Waxahachie. We stopped in IKEA and round rock outlet stores for some quick shopping, then decided to eat some dinner in
Waco. We made it home about 9:30 or so and quickly realized I left my purse in the restaurant in Waco. We called them and they said they had it so we turned right around and drove back to Waco to pick up the purse. It wasn’t too long that I realized that ya, someone turned it in but not before they cleaned it out. They took my cell phone (which was about a month old) and a LARGE amount of money that had been given to us as wedding gifts. We kept it to use for trips like this or things we need around the house. We have our ideas as to who it was that took it but we can’t be sure. Obviously the “Klammpits” as I call them, needed the money more than we did. Believe it or not I actually wasn’t as mad as I thought I would be. I thought I’d be ready to punch someones face in but I really wasn’t. I’m more mad at myself for leaving it than anything. I could care less about the cell phone, I have my old one I’m using now. It’s more of a feeling of being violated. Knowing that someone went through my things and my wallet and helped themselves to what they wanted. Luckily it was cash and not credit cards or my debit card…that could have been detrimental to our bank account. If it was who we think it was, this might sound mean but I think they just weren’t smart enough to take the credit cards, they wouldn’t know what to do with them. Well we returned home about 11:30 and went to bed…it was a long day.
Over the last week we’ve been fighting with our Lynksis router connecting to my mac…we had it working at one point when we moved into the townhome but now it isn’t working and we can’t fix it. So I just said forget it and we went and bought a new wireless router…now it works and we’re all set. So if any of you know anyone that wants to buy a router we’ve got one. So that’s the weekend at casadeblundell. Check out Jonathan’s blog for his view on the weekend and if you want, we posted all of our pictures from the weekend on my flickr page which you can click on the link to the right to get there.

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