Surgery Re-cap

My surgery is over with and now all I have to do is recover! Easy right? HA…not so much. This is a quick recap of how it’s gone so far.
Thursday morning we headed to the park cities surgery center at 7:00am for my surgery to repair a severe deviated septum, reduce the size of my turbinates and then do sinus surgery to clean out my maxillary sinus. Anyway, The surgery lasted about an 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours and then I was headed to recovery. Well all I remember is them slipping me “happy juice” and then I was waking up in recovery with a lot of pain and feeling like someone hit me upside the head with a sledge hammer. After a while, they took me to my own room where my mom and Jonathan could come in. They gave me some lovely pain medication and then, well let’s just say I don’t handle anesthesia well so I had to get some more medication. Anyway, I was still pretty sleepy and it was hard to keep my eyes open much less stand up and walk. We were able to leave later that afternoon and got home around 1:30 or 2:00 and I layed on the couch for the rest of the day and night. I’ve pretty much stayed on the couch ever since then. As long as I have the pain medication in my system I’m good, but the second it starts to wear off, OHH boy ohh boy does it hurt!! I can’t sleep in our bed yet because if I lay my head that flat it hurts, so I’m still camped out on the couch for now and hopefully I’ll try our bed tonight. I was hoping i would have been able to go to church this morning but that was not going to happen. The medication definitely takes away the pain but at the same time it makes me dizzy, unable to hold things and pretty much wipes me out.
I’m tired of sitting on the couch and doing nothing, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every episode of flip this house or what not to wear on TLC. So this afternoon I went out in the front yard to water our plants –I had to do something. I was out there for about 5 minutes and that was the extent of my moving around today. Maybe I’ll try to do more tomorrow. All in all, the surgery went great and i’m recovering slowly but surely. Hopefully I’ll be able to go to small group on Tuesday night.

Here’s a quick shot of myself when we got home Thursday:

2 thoughts on “Surgery Re-cap

  1. Lauri, I hope all is much better now since everything was done. I just wanted to say Thank you for letting me know what happend after your surgery. I am about to have that done and a tube in my right ear (so I can finally hear again) on Monday. I hope I’m not out too long. I hate sitting around doing nothing.

    Thanks again,

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