“Snow Day”

Here in Texas, our snow days are really ice days. We did actually get snow last year and some earlier this year but the last two days we have been stuck in our house for “snow days”. There was hardly any snow involved, it was ALL ice. Us Texans aren’t prepared and/or equipped for ice and snow, so when a snow day comes along, we all get a break from work and school.

Jonathan and I were both home from work yesterday and today because of the ice. We wouldn’t be able to get out of our driveway without basically just sliding down it…it was all iced over.

This photo was taken about 5 minutes ago and a lot of the ice has melted.

So what do you do when you are stuck inside with two infants and not able to drive anywhere….anything you have neglected to do around the house that needs to be done. We have been so busy the last month or so I haven’t been able to get things done. So far during our “snow days” I and/or Jonathan have done the following things:
made two dinners in the crockpot
cleaned dishes from dinners that I made
ran dishwasher, then emptied dishwasher
washed the boys clothes and some towels that desperately needed to be washed, organized the boys clothes and pulled out the clothes that don’t fit them anymore (so I can take it to a resale shop)
organized the cabinet with our Tupperware because it was super disorganized
organized the cabinet under the kitchen sink (how suntan lotion ended up under there is beyond me)
charged and changed 1,725 batteries for the boys’ toys
Fed two boys several times
changed many diapers
changed a few outfits from spit up

Along with things that needed to be done, we also spent a lot of time with the boys laughing, giggling, etc. I think we made Ian smile and laugh 75, 342 times. He is such a happy boy and smiles all the time. The boys have just been hanging out in the swing, bouncy seat, tummy time, nap time, etc. But their most favorite thing to do is lay against our chest or have us hold them as we walk around.




Cha Cha Cha-Ian
I had to post this picture of Ian because its just cute and I love his hair…haha, it reminds me of a chia pet.

Even presley had a lazy few days (although all her days are lazy)


Presley planned an attack on Hayden…she implemented a phase I, II, & III attack.


I hope everyone stayed warm and you had a good couple of snow days!

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