Santa Fe – Part 2

I just realized the other day I never did a part 2 for out Santa Fe trip….oops! We’ve been a little busy lately what raising two crazy very active boys. But, that’s a whole new blog post in and of itself – that will come later!

Anyway, So the few days that we were there we did the whole tourist thing: we went to the square in downtown and walked around, we went to the “Indian Market” where the Native American Indians sell their crafts, jewelry, etc. We went into 2 cathedrals, St. Francis Assisi and the Loretto Chapel.

St. Francis Assisi Cathedral

The Cathedral of St. Francis Assisi had a beautiful garden next to it some statues out front of the cathedral. I was as happy as a clam because the lighting was awesome, I caught the sun directly behind the cross on the sign leading into the garden!

Perfect Lighting

There was an awesome statue that was to represent St. Francis with many sayings that he supposedly said engraved on his robe. My favorite saying that was on there was, “I want to be happy like a bird in the sky.”


Inside the cathedral it had the stained glass, crucifix with Christ on it and other banners, signs, etc.

Inside St. Francis Assini Cathedral (taken with my iPhone)

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The Loretto Chapel is the chapel with the miraculous staircase that was on unsolved mysteries. There are 2 mysterious surrounding the staircase – the identity of the builder and the physics of the construction.  Apparently there are no nails holding the staircase together, only wooden pegs and it has two 360 degree turns without any visible support structures.  The staircase is pretty impressive when seeing it in person.

The mysterious staircase

Inside the chapel was the typical stained glass, crucifix, etc.

Love the light showing through the stained glass
The last supper

The last full day we were there we drove to Ojo Caliente to a natural hot springs resort.  It’s located, in what seems like, a desolate area surrounded by nothing but mountains and cliffs. It was great, we got to soak in mineral waters and just lay out in the sun, relax and enjoy the scenery!

Ojo Caliente Hot Springs Resort
Our view from the pool side

Jonathan got to geocache a little while were there, so he was excited about that, even though it was only 1 or 2 geocaches.

Jonathan Geocaching

We found the geocache near “Museum Hill” and there was this giant replica of a stagecoach and horses.

And lastly here is a picture of us in front of the bed and breakfast we stayed at, right before we left to come back home. This is one of the only pictures we got of us from the trip…and its out of focus!

Me and the hubby

We had a great trip and love anytime we get to spend relaxing in the mountains! But by the time we left, we were ready to get back home and see our boys! Gramma sent us pictures throughout the week of the boys so we did get to “see” them while we were gone, and it looked like they had a great time too!

If you want to see all of our photos from the trip, you can click here and they will magically appear.



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